Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Comments on the suicide of schizophrenic in-patients during hospital treatment,2005,16,1,S46-S50,Heidrich Depression and suicide: Antidepressive therapies in the acute and chronic treatment of unipolar and bipolar affective disorders - Are they preventive according to suicide?,2005,16,1,S27-S33,Bronisch In-patient suicide in Upper Franconia - An information,2005,16,1,S20-S22,Franke Psychiatric expert testimony of in-patient suicides. Experiences and recommendations,2005,16,1,S23-S26,Vogel Psychiatric in-patient suicide - Looking back 30 years and selected results of in-patient suicide research,2005,16,1,S8-S16,Vogel Psychiatric disorders and suicide - An epidemiological survey,2005,16,1,S3-S7,Schneider Suicide during ambulant treatment of patients - A construct of ideal types,2005,16,1,S40-S45,Doll Suicide of in-patients with diagnoses of depression in the Klinik-Suizid-Verbundstudie II in southern Germany,2005,16,1,S34-S39,Lehle Working Group "Suicidality and the Psychiatric Hospital". Recommendations for suicide prevention in psychiatric hospitals,2005,16,1,S51-S54,Vogel