Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Study of suicides related to work in Basse-Normandie,2004,12,2,91-98,Gournay Do we have to protect subway from passengers? or passenger's apprehension from engineers and operators,2005,14,2,169-206,Foot New forms of servitude and suicide,2005,13,1,53-73,Dejours Isolation at work and possible outcomes in two CHSCT (Committee For Hygiene and Safety at Work) expertises,2010,23,1,77-98,Pietri Stress and work-related suicide within a military institution,2011,26,2,87-110,Bryon-Portet Work clinic and law evolution: About a suicide at work,2011,26,2,111-126,Tessier The psychodynamics of work faced with assessment: From criticism to proposal,2011,25,1,15-27,Dejours État de la recherche sur le suicide au travail en France: Une perspective juridique,2014,31,1,11-29,Lerouge On the boundary of the material world: Two cases of legal recognition in Taiwan,2014,31,1,89-117,Chen Suicide as Karo¯shi or overwork: Suicides at work in Japan Taiwan and China,2014,31,1,45-88,Jobin Suicides and rebels in a world factory: About the global fragmented despotism works in Foxconn,2014,31,1,119-149,Lin Work in dark times,2014,31,1,31-44,Soares How to reconsider the issue of work and make collective action possible: The example of two interventions during a crisis,2015,33,1,25-36,Bègue Facing suicide at work: Union activities between trivialisation and denial,2015,33,1,37-47,Mühlstein Suicide work and sociology/ies,2015,33,1,9-24,Le Breton A study case about public transportation's work in Santiago Del Chili,2018,39,1,161-180,Ibarra A study case about public transportation's work in Santiago del Chili,2018,39,1,181-200,Ibarra France Telecom Orange - Statement May 10 2019,2019,42,2,193-213,Dejours Reflections on the Significance of the France Télécom Trial in the United Kingdom,2022,47,1,173-188,Waters Clinic of Work and Construction of Trade Union Action. Crossed Looks,2023,50,2,189-213,Michaut In The Shadow of Great Evenings. Trade Unions against The Suffering of The Workplace,2023,50,2,31-63,Ponge