Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Dying and death in the work of Thomas Mann,2001,47,1,7-17,Engelhardt Assisted suicide in The Netherlands,2009,55,4,392-401,Werner Arzte Literaten Philosophen Selbstmord und assistierter Suizid in der frühen römischen Kaiserzeit,2009,55,3,289-302,Bergdolt Assisted suicide in Belgium,2009,55,4,418-423,Schotsmans Beihilfe zum Suizid Anfragen aus theologisch-ethischer Sicht,2009,55,3,271-288,Ernst Der assistierte Suizid aus palliativmedizinischer Sicht,2009,55,3,235-242,Borasio Der assistierte Suizid aus rechtlicher Sicht "Menschenwürdiges Sterben" zwischen Patientenautonomie ärztlichem Selbstverständnis und Kommerzialisierung,2009,55,3,257-270,Duttge Suizid bei beginnender Demenz Medizinische und ethische Fragen,2009,55,4,343-350,Kurz Warum überhaupt ist Suizid ein ethisches Problember Suizid und Suizidbeihilfe,2009,55,3,243-256,Fischer Physician-assisted suicide: Freedom to die or lack of freedom to live?,2011,57,3,230-242,Hohendorf How do we want to die? Assisted suicide from the perspective of moral psychology,2015,61,4,325-340,Lutz Good way of dying? Comments on the question of physician-assisted suicide,2015,61,4,314-324,Knaup Professional translation elite? Sociological considerations on the structure of conflicts of values in modern society,2015,61,4,302-313,Atzeni Physician-assisted suicide and Christian belief: On the significance of religious arguments in the debate on assisted suicide,2015,61,3,230-241,Römelt Physician assisted suicide from the perspective of Catholic moral theology,2015,61,3,199-215,Bormann Physician-assisted suicide in Germany de lege lata and de lege ferenda,2015,61,3,242-256,Weilert No criminalization of palliative mediciine - An addendum to the decision of the Bundestag (Federal Parliament) to prohibit commercial assisted suicide,2016,62,3,219-233,Sahm Medical ethos - current challenges of medical action,2016,62,3,203-218,Merkl A moral theological look at the so-called voluntarily stopping eating and drinking (VSED),2019,65,3,261-280,Bormann Legal problems of the so-called fasting to death,2019,65,3,315-327,Augsberg Passive suicide or consent to die? A contribution to the voluntary stopping of eating and drinking (VSED),2019,65,3,299-313,Zimmermann Voluntarily stopping eating and drinking (VSED) - From the point of view of suicidology,2019,65,3,227-236,Schneider Voluntary refusal of nutrition and fluids and medicine at the end of life,2019,65,3,211-226,Sahm Assisted suicide in church-run institutions?,2021,67,4,467-479,Körtner Assisted suicide - developments and debates in Switzerland,2021,67,4,433-443,Zimmermann A "no" is not enough - desiderata of a new legal regulation from the perspective of church bodies running health care facilities,2021,67,4,481-491,Kostka Desiderata of a Legal Regulation of Suicide Assistance - A Moral-Theological View on a Difficult Task,2021,67,4,511-524,Bormann Field report from Holland: developments problems current debate situation,2021,67,4,455-466,Boer Legislative consequential problems of the Assisted Suicide Decision,2021,67,4,525-535,Augsberg Reflections on the Legal Regulation of Suicide Assistance in Germany,2021,67,4,537-550,Frister The challenges of the end of life in France,2021,67,4,445-453,Thiel The effects of the deletion of § 16 S. 3 MBO on the BVerfG judgment on § 217 StGB,2022,68,4,483-498,Sun Euthanasia and assisted suicide from a legal perspective,1993,39,2,151-171,Giesen Conference of the Protestant Academy Loccum "Suicide and risk of suicide in children and young people - Aspects of prevention and intervention" from June 1st to 3rd 1994,1994,40,3,e258, Current ethical recommendations. German Ethics Council: Suicide - Responsibility prevention and free responsibility,2023,69,1,139-144,Bormann