Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Alternatives for suicide? Two case reports of kurdish-turkish female migrants,1999,25,2,131-136,Hoffmann-Richter Consensus paper of the World Psychiatric Association - Proper pharmacotherapy of schizophrenic psychoses,2000,26,3,e164,Fritze Suicide in the Federal Republic of Germany,2000,26,6,315-318,Wolfersdorf Suicidality - Definition and basics of suicide prevention,2000,26,6,319-327,Wolfersdorf Suicidality and parasuicidality: Patients with borderline personality disorder,2000,26,6,328-336,Gruttert The competence network - Depression and suicidality,2000,26,6,338-342,Ziegler Acute stress reaction in a widow of a husband with a suicidal history,2002,28,4,218-219,Kardels Comorbidity of alcohol abuse and dependence in schizophrenia,2002,28,7,360-366,Soyka Epidemiology of suicide and suicide attempts in Germany,2002,28,11-12,578-588,Weinacker Drug therapy of suicidality,2002,28,11-12,592-594,Felber Presentation of the German national suicide prevention program: Suicide prevention is possible,2002,28,11-12,549-550,Schmidtke Prevention of depression as a contribution to successful suicide prevention,2002,28,11-12,589-591,Althaus Change of the number of suicide attempts: Results after nine months of intervention of the Nuremberg Alliance against Depression,2003,29,1-2,28-34,Kunz