Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Martin Amis and the postmodern suicide: tracing the postnuclear narrative at the fin de millennium,1997,38,4,300-311,Stokes The "powers" to "kraft" humanist endings to posthumanist novels: Galatea 2.2 as a rewriting of Operation Wandering Soul,2009,50,2,208-224,Silva The concept of disappearance in Don DeLillo's cosmopolis,2010,51,3,257-275,Laist "Psychotic depression" and suicide in David Foster wallace's infinite jest,2013,54,3,276-291,Thomas "Empty Musing Poignant": Rupture Nostalgia and the Seaside Resort in Contemporary Irish Fiction,2016,57,3,310-322,Moynihan Touching the Sublime - Transgression and the Ethical Act in Kinkakuji,2022,63,4,454-469,Greene