Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Online crimes against minors: to the issue of victimological prevention and criminal law assessment,2017,11,1,5-12,Bastrykin Incitement to suicide with the use of internet technologies: Socio-psychological criminological and criminal law aspects,2018,12,1,101-115,Bychkova New grounds of criminal liability for inducement to suicide and other life-threatening behavior,2018,12,3,349-357,Sharapov Expert opinion and witness testimony as key evidence in criminal cases on incitement to suicide,2019,13,6,971-979,Bryanskaya Extremists: Criminals and victims of radical violence,2019,13,4,612-628,Kirilenko Suicides as an element of studying homicidal crime,2019,13,2,207-214,Koretsky Protection of the rights and freedoms of minors in the digital space,2020,14,2,234-241,Mironova