Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Is healthcare providers' value-neutrality depending on how controversial a medical intervention is? Analysis of 10 more or less controversial interventions,2017,12,3,117-123,Lynöe Empirical research in the debate on physician-assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia,2007,2,3,129-132,Smith Views regarding physician-assisted suicide: A study of medical professionals at various points in their training,2008,3,1,27-33,Kitching A comment on the Director of Public Prosecution's Policy for Prosecutors in Respect of Cases of Encouraging or Assisting Suicide,2010,5,3,125-129,East Compromising on assisted suicide: Is 'turning a blind eye' ethical?,2012,7,1,17-23,Mullock King's College London Student Clinical Ethics Committee case discussion: Should a homeless potentially suicidal man be admitted to hospital overnight for the purpose of addressing a short-term shelter problem?,2014,9,2,104-107,Johnston Ambiguity death determination and the dead donor rule,2018,13,4,165-171,Lyon Suicide and "do not resuscitate": An ethical dilemma,2021,16,2,160-162,Ahad Colombian people's positions regarding physician-assisted suicide,2022,17,3,286-289,Mullet Euthanasia: A good death or an act of mercy killing: A global scenario,2022,17,2,118-121,Singh Psychiatrists' motives for compulsory care of patients with borderline personality disorder - a questionnaire study,2022,17,4,377-390,Juth Is "terminally ill self-killing" suicide?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neiders Voluntary assisted death in present-day Japan: A case for dignity,2023,18,2,251-258,Asai