Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Features of the motives of suicidal behavior of people who live in the depressive industrial region of Lisichansk (2006-2013),2017,8,4,547-558,Budenny Mental disorders and suicides,2017,8,1,134-144,Protska Research of efficiency of adyyuvantny application of a fenazepam in urgentny therapy at patients with paranoid schizophrenia with not suicide autoaggression in the conditions,2016,7,1,98-104,Kravchenko Suicide: Causes and prevention,2016,7,3,398-403,Salayev Suicide risk factors in hospital,2016,7,1,105-111,Lasyi Clinical-psychopathological characteristics of patients with suicidal behavior in mixed dementia,2018,9,1,46-59,Potapov Analysis of mortality among drug users in the republic of Belarus and approaches to prevention,2019,10,4,707-718,Maksimchuk Indicators of suicidal activity of population in the republic of belarus: Sub-population and regional aspects,2019,10,3,546-557,Karatkevich Analysis of social factors and individual psychological characteristics of persons who committed a suicidal attempt,2020,11,3,531-545,Davidouski Clinical and epidemiological features of suicidal behaviour in young people in the Krasnodar territory,2020,11,3,546-555,Boyko Pharmacotherapy of mental disorders associated with covid-19,2021,12,1,85-105,Khaustova Pessimistic Reflections in Women with Nonpsychotic Mental Disorders Aged 40-65 Years,2022,13,1,41-52,Bokhan Peripheral Blood Noradrenaline Contents as a Possible Suicide Biomarker,2023,14,3,228-239,Davidouski