Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Forensic characteristics of suicide by high voltage electrocution in Tunisia and role of media coverage,2017,60,2,43-48,Hammami Forensic approach of deaths in Tunisian prisons,2017,60,2,3-7,Hammami Death abroad and second autopsy,1997,40,7-8,507-510,Horisberger Fatal intoxication with chloroquine metoclopramide and bromazepam: Post-mortem distribution,1997,40,4,243-247,Malicier The department of forensic medicine in Miami (Metropolitan Dade County Florida USA): An exemplary conception of the workings of forensic medicine - 1(st) part: Organisation,1998,41,6,411-418,Quatrehomme An unusual case of traumatic neck injuries: Homicide suicide or accident?,1999,42,6,459-463,Malicier Pentobarbitone fatal self-poisoning following massive ingestion of Dolethal® a veterinary euthanasia agent,1999,42,7-8,603-606,Kintz Suicide attempts and self-mutilation in administrative retention,1999,42,2,133-140,Bécour Suicide with non-lethal firearm,1999,42,2,115-120,Malicier Death caused by strangulation: A 28 case study,2000,43,7-8,583-588,Ben Dhiab Death by fork,2000,43,2,121-125,Boxho From 'Rave'... to nightmare: Part 2: Death after consuming amphetamines and by-products,2000,43,2,103-106,Pepin The danger of taking the law into one's own hands: A fire-arm wound,2000,43,2,169-172,Martin-Dupont Clinical and toxicological considerations in a non-fatal poisoning involving α-chloralose,2001,44,7-8,497-504,Tracqui Double maternal filicide with passional delusion of hate shown towards the victims' father,2001,44,4,324-326,Benezech HIV and suicide: Review of the literature and interest of autopsy,2001,44,1,51-57,Cianfarani Suicide in prison,2001,44,1,3-10,De Graëve Ageing. Legal and ethical aspects,2002,45,6,259-265,Dolard-Roche Adolescents both authors and victims,2002,45,1,53-58,Clément Suicidal hanging resulting in the victim's decapitation: Report on 2 cases with review of the literature,2002,45,1,11-17,Tracqui A case of intoxication by insulin in an employee of a pharmacy: Suicide accident or homicide,2004,47,4,103-106,La Harpe Saving life and respecting patients' wishes: Discussion of the council of state 12 October 2001,2004,47,5,207-209,Gaches Crime and Captivity in the Works of Raymond Guérin,2003,46,3,193-202,Benezech Gifted People and Violence,2003,46,4-5,328-331,Escard Fatal Injury from Fire-Arms without Projectiles: Clinical Observation and Literature Review,2003,46,4-5,268-273,Clarot Two Cases of Autoerotic Death,2003,46,4-5,313-317,Colonna An unusual case of suicidal mechanical asphyxia,2005,48,4-5,229-231,O'Byrne Suicide in Ivory Coast: Forensic and epidemiological study over a 3 year period (1999-2001),2005,48,1,11-18,Ette Case report: An unusual fall in an elevator shaft,2006,49,7-8,355-359,Lahouel Autopsy features of wound ballistics: Wounds caused by.22 caliber bosquette bullets,2007,50,6-7,353-358,Paraire Psychological autopsy suicide and schizophrenia,2007,50,5,287-295,Lançon Study of craniocerebral gunshot wounds outcome predictors: Forensic science interests,2007,50,6-7,321-327,Paradot Suicide by hanging in Northern Tunisia: Epidemiological aspects and autopsy observations,2007,50,6-7,336-342,Banasr Characteristics of hanging death scene investigations: a retrospective study of 247 suicide cases,2008,51,4-5,253-261,Fornes Influence of ballistic and autopsy parameters on the manner of death in case of long firearms fatalities,2008,51,3,161-170,Durigon Incomplete decapitation complicating a suicidal hanging: 2 Cases and review of the literature,2010,53,1,39-46,Banasr The suicide of an elderly patient in Northern Tunisia,2010,53,2,68-74,Banasr Euthanasia and death with dignity in Japanese law,2012,55,3-4,217-223,Kai Homicide or natural death? Interest of forensic examination: A case report,2014,57,4,5-8,Malicier Gases and volatiles in post-mortem toxicology,2014,57,4,e62,Gaulier Fatal ethylene glycol intoxication: A case report,2014,57,4,9-13,Malicier CCNE (French national consultative committee for ethics) report on end of life,2015,58,1-2,111-116,Huriet Dangerousness and psychiatric comorbidity: Violent risk factors,2016,59,1,9-16,Benezech Highlights on family and health laws in Ireland,2016,59,5,63-67,Masdupuy Situations of abandonment and intrusion in crimes of love and disaffection,2016,59,1,55-60,Benezech Authorising ethics committees to decide to administer psychiatric care without consent,2018,61,4,48-52,Doucin Hand-grenade suicide in open space analysis of human parts dispersion,2019,62,4,27-31,Partoune Indications of the forensic post-mortem examination,2019,62,2,13-14,Malicier Suicidal stab wounds: Forensic analysis of five cases,1992,35,1,15-20,Marc Suicide: Are guidelines still current? A report of three forensic observations,1992,35,1,21-25,Marc Can the severity of firearms legislation contribute to the prevention of suicide?,1994,37,5,323-331,Bourgeois Factors influencing mortality of a fall from a high point,1995,38,3,183-189,Lecomte Suicide and biology,1990,33,7-8,495-504,Manchon Medico-legal deaths: Statistics of Bordeaux's Medico Legal Institute,1990,33,3,165-176,Doignon