Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Comprehensive interpretations of epidemiology of suicide among cancer patients,2017,36,5,439-447,Chen Commentary: Suicide prevention among cancer patients: Screening of mental health services is enough?,2017,36,5,e448,Liao Ever having suicide ideation among the 4th graders in northern Taiwan and its correlates,2005,24,6,471-482,Chiang Socioeconomic factors and suicide mortality trends in Taipei City between 1991 and 2004,2007,26,1,66-74,Chang Trends in suicide mortality in Taiwan 1959-2006,2008,27,2,110-120,Cheng An epidemiologic analysis of elderly suicide in Taiwan: 1985-2006,2009,28,2,103-114,Liu Authors' response to commentary: A study of Taiwan's suicide mortality rate and related factors: 1973-2003,2010,29,3,e217,Chen A study of Taiwan's suicide mortality rate and related factors: 1973-2003,2010,29,3,201-215,Chen Commentary to a study of Taiwan's suicide mortality rate andrelated factors: 1973-2003,2010,29,3,216-217,Chiang Trends in child and adolescent injury mortality in Taiwan 1986-2006,2010,29,1,22-32,Pai Gender differences in health in Taiwan 1991-2007: Life expectancy mortality and years of potential life lost as indicators,2011,30,2,135-149,Pan The correlation between availability of high-rise buildings and suicide by jumping in Taiwan,2011,30,6,533-546,Chi Suicide prevention in Taiwan: A ten-year review,2015,34,3,227-239,Liao Restricting high-lethality means to reduce suicide deaths: Principles and applications,2019,38,3,223-227,Shu-Sen Strategies to reduce pesticide suicide: Evidence supporting the ban on paraquat,2019,38,5,453-456,Chang What have we learned from the last surge of suicide mortality in Taiwan?,2019,38,4,329-334,Liao Changing suicide trends in Taiwan: A joinpoint regression analysis from 1971 to 2018,2020,39,5,536-552,Chang Suicides away from county of residence and their socioeconomic correlates in Taiwan,2022,41,2,156-168,Chen