Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author An epidemiological examination of suicides that have occurred in tunceli during 2005-2015,2017,20,2,121-128,Günderci Evaluation of child psychiatry consultations of stayed patients at pediatric clinic,2017,20,4,287-293,Kandemir Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of inpatients with schizophrenia in psychiatry clinics,2017,20,2,104-113,Kocal A rare case with suicide due to akathisia after use of single dose venlafaxine,2018,21,1,200-203,Eren A rare case with suicide due to akathisia after use of single dose venlafaxine,2018,21,2,200-203,Eren May positive psychotherapy effective for treatment-resistant obsessive compulsive disorder?: A case report,2018,21,4,407-413,Öznur The relationship of suicide attempt story and stress coping style among the patients with opioid substitution therapy,2018,21,3,245-253,Evren Childhood traumas in patients with multiple sclerosis and its relationship with suicide probability,2019,22,4,416-423,Ulusoy Psychiatric aspect of traumatic brain injury,2019,22,4,472-486,Hocaoǧlu The contagion of suicidal behavior in adolescents: Case report,2019,22,3,364-368,Colak An investigation of the psychometric properties of the Turkish versions of the interpersonal needs questionnaire and acquired capability for suicide-fearlessness about death scale,2020,23,2,161-169,Eskin Investigation of the relationship between psychiatric disorders and suicide: A retrospective research based on records for 2013-2018,2020,23,1,92-100,Mete Internalized stigma in physicians with mental illness,2021,24,4,459-466,Kılınçel A case report of adolescent anti-NMDAR encephalitis with depressive symptoms,2022,25,4,416-419,Ozturk Clinical characteristics and forensic psychiatric examination of cases evaluated due to alleged psychiatric medical malpractice,2022,25,4,395-403,Cesur Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and platelet distribution width: A potential new peripheral biomarker in adolescent depression,2022,25,3,244-251,Ozkan The consequences of early marriage: Long term effects on women's mental and sexual health,2022,25,1,57-66,Sahin The association between suicidal behavior severity perceived gender equality and childhood traumas among depressive adolescent girls: Differences between the regions of Turkey,2022,25,1,31-40,Isik Assessment of suicide risk among newly diagnosed cancer patients,2023,26,4,293-299,Kilic Frequency and predictors of premenstrual dysphoric disorder and its association with affective temperaments,2023,26,4,254-263,Ertek Why do psychiatrists commit suicide? Denial or stigma?,2024,27,2,101-107,Candansayar