Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Anger and social fragmentation: the evil violence tunnel,2017,27,1,79-92,Allen Traumatic bereavement: Basic research and clinical implications,2017,27,2,127-139,Barlé The integration of CBT multicultural and feminist psychotherapies with Latinas,2010,20,3,312-326,Diaz-Martinez Axis of criticism model (ACRIM): An integrative conceptualization of person-context exchanges in vulnerability to adolescent psychopathology,2013,23,3,236-249,Shahar An empirically based approach to the assessment and management of suicidal behavior,2013,23,3,207-221,Joiner Special commentary: Integrated treatment for personality disorders: A commentary,2015,25,1,49-57,Levy Reproductive traumas as a catalyst for clinician transformation,2019,29,2,84-94,Bindeman The cracks where the light gets in: Exploring therapist transformation following the loss of a family member to suicide,2019,29,2,188-196,Murray-Swank Telepsychotherapy with youth at clinical high risk for psychosis: Clinical issues and best practices during the COVID-19 pandemic,2020,30,2,304-331,Fitzgerald Telepsychotherapy in the age of COVID-19: A commentary,2020,30,2,394-405,Dimaggio The COVID-19 pandemic and treating suicidal risk: The telepsychotherapy use of CAMS,2020,30,2,226-237,Jobes Assessing interpersonal impact of veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder and moral injury: a case study of how significant others perceive veterans undergoing a positive psychology intervention,2024,34,1,88-101,McGuire Brief transactional analysis psychotherapy for depression: the systematic development of a treatment manual,2024,34,1,1-26,Vos