Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Suicide prevention policy in India: reflections by mental health professionals,2023,2,2,e105,Kulhalli The ongoing challenges in psychiatric epidemiology and the prevalence of mental illness in India and Australia,2023,2,2,102-104,Pai A descriptive review on perinatal deliberate self-harm: an untraversed mental health domain,2023,2,1,16-21,Bijjal Psychiatric epidemiology in India: where do we stand following the National Mental Health Survey 2016?,2023,2,1,27-34,Math Perinatal depression - case review in clinical grand rounds,2023,2,1,59-65,Chandra Mental health professionals and lesbian gay bisexual transgender and queer: current scenario,2022,1,2,80-83,Arampady Inhalant abuse in adolescents in North Karnataka: a case series,2022,1,2,133-135,Patil Suicide reporting in electronic and print media; an observational study,2022,1,1,42-46,Kakunje Lived experiences of intimate partner violence and help-seeking among wives of persons with alcohol dependence: a thematic analysis,2024,3,1,20-27,Vranda Mental health professionals' perspectives on group intervention for women survivors of intimate partner violence: a qualitative study,2024,3,2,88-93,Kandasamy