Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The effects of cannabidiol on the driving performance of healthy adults: a pilot RCT,2023,2,1,e100053,Wen Opioid overdoses increase at home during the COVID-19 stay-at-home order period in Cook County Illinois,2022,1,1,e100007,Delcher Hispanic immigrants and suicide: overcoming data challenges in an anti-immigrant climate [editorial],2022,1,2,e100038,Wilson Recommendations for population-based applications of the adverse childhood experiences study: position statement by the American College of Preventive Medicine,2022,1,2,e100039,Niebuhr Depression and anxiety on Twitter during the COVID-19 stay-at-home period in 7 major U.S. cities,2023,2,1,e100062,Meliker Can a smartphone application be used to measure practice driving behavior during the learner permit period? A step toward performance-based licensing,2023,2,1,e100058,Zhang Drug overdose deaths among non-Hispanic Black men in the U.S.: age-specific projections through 2025,2023,2,1,e100063,Harris Physical activity and depression and anxiety disorders in Australia: a lifetable analysis,2023,2,2,e100030,Veerman A helmet of her own? A qualitative study of key stakeholder perspectives on headgear in girls' lacrosse,2023,2,2,e100078,Bachynski Inventory of U.S. public data sources to measure the socioeconomic impact of experiencing interpersonal violence,2023,2,3,e100114,Kearns Development of a new resident-centric sex trafficking education program for obstetrics/gynecology emergency medicine and family medicine programs,2023,2,3,e100088,Briggs Ethnoracial disparities in rates of non-natural causes of death after the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak in New York State,2023,2,4,e100151,Gould Screening for youth firearm violence exposure in primary care,2024,3,1,e100146,Brewer Association between firearm purchasing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and symptoms of anxiety depression and stress August 2021,2024,3,1,e100171,Adams Cumulative lifetime violence and bacterial vaginosis infection in sexually transmitted infections: findings from a retrospective cohort study among Black women at risk for HIV,2024,3,2,e100180,Campbell Cohort study of downgraded misdemeanor convictions and subsequent violent crime: differences by defendant race and ethnicity,2024,3,3,e100206,Rowhani-Rahbar Burden and regional disparities in the firearm mortality profiles in Brazil: a systematic analysis of findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2019,2024,3,3,e100228,Protti Goal orientation and desire for approval were associated with sports injuries among young Japanese athletes,2024,3,4,e100236,Hoshino