Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Clinical and forensic interviews in child sexual abuse allegations in South Africa: literary reflections on the roles of practitioners,2022,34,2,e8444,Rapholo Witness protection programmes: the role of social workers in helping state witnesses to deal with challenges,2022,34,2,e9493,Botha Volunteer support services to victims at crime scenes: exploring victims' perceptions,2021,33,3,e9117,Lorge Youth and gang violence in African townships: exploring the link to exclusion from recreational facilities,2021,33,3,e7687,Tanga An exploration of violent behaviour of young ex-offenders on the Cape Flats South Africa: suggestions for youth work practice,2021,33,2,e8484,Chauke Pathways to deviance: exploring the relationship between peer affiliation gang membership and youth misconduct,2021,33,1,e8406,Phillips Sociodemographic Variables Associated with Constructs of the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicidal Behaviour,2023,35,1,,Naidoo