Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Ergot-poisoning,1880,10,11,406-407,Keating Chloroform poisoning treated with hypodermic injections of strychnia and whiskey,1880,10,11,398-399,Nicolson A remarkable case of poisoning,1880,10,10,358-359,Kerstan Signs of death by drowning,1880,10,3,e97, Curious accident at the Paris Electrical Exhibition,1883,13,10,e376, Arnica poisoning: dose-one ounce of the tincture,1883,13,10,375-376,Thom Use of apomorphia in cases of poisoning,1883,13,12,455-456,Routh The rattlesnake-its poison and antidote,1874,4,9,505-513,Rivers Concussion of the brain,1875,5,7,e401,Rush Poisoning by opium of a suckling babe through its mother,1875,5,9,e575, Notes on a case of poisoning from Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup: read before the Philadelphia County Medical Society September 17 1884,1884,14,12,456-457,Hirsh Poisoning by Fowler's solution,1887,17,8,e324, The cure of sciatica and violent neuralgia by hypodermic injections of ether,1879,9,2,49-50,Comegs Resuscitation of a young girl apparently dead from drowning,1879,9,8,290-292,Godfrey To delinquents,1876,6,11,e700, Gun shot wounds,1876,6,1-2,15-16,Handy Opium poisoning treated by electricity and belladonna,1877,7,1,5-6,Burke Potassium permanganate as an antidote to the venom of serpents: a note communicated to the French Academy,1882,12,3,95-96,DeLacerda A case of opium poisoning successfully treated with atropine and caffeine,1885,15,7,254-255,Jones Tyrotoxicon-cheese poison: abstract of a paper,1885,15,11,412-413,Vaughan Two cases of acute poisoning from solid ext. Cannabis indica,1890,20,8,363-364,Rushin Injury to the penis during coition,1890,20,6,e296,Nevsky Poisoning by cocaine,1892,22,4,205-206, Castration for rape in Kansas,1897,27,8,399-400, Cocaine poisoning-Magnan's symptoms,1897,27,2,e94, The anatomy of rape,1897,27,2,76-77, Football,1897,27,11,e571, Two bicycle dangers,1896,26,7,345-346, Some injuries of the eyeball,1896,26,8,386-389,Phillips