Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Gendered analysis of cyberbullying victimization and its associations with suicidality: findings from the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey,2022,2,2,235-251,Raj Lifestyle practices and mental health in adolescents: explorative analysis from Malaysian Health and Morbidity Survey 2017,2022,2,4,459-465,Mushaddik Keep it brief and targeted: driving performance feedback report features to use with novice drivers,2022,2,4,448-458,Peters Do we learn to internalize stigma from our parents? Comparison of internalized stigmatization in adolescents diagnosed with ADHD and their parents,2022,2,4,439-447,Dikec Predicting antisocial personality features among justice-involved males and females: the effects of violence exposure in childhood and adolescence,2022,2,4,424-438,Weinberger Trauma-related internalizing and externalizing behaviors in adolescence: a bridge between psychoanalysis and neuroscience,2022,2,4,413-423,Laricchiuta Understanding the role of prosocial behavior in youth mental health: findings from a scoping review,2022,2,3,358-380,Hirani Stress factors in multicultural adolescents,2022,2,2,326-335,Kim Inter-peer group status and school bullying: the case of middle-school students in Japan,2022,2,2,252-262,Shu Exploring the decisional drivers of deviance: a qualitative study of institutionalized adolescents in Malaysia,2022,2,1,86-100,Wong Can implicit measures augment suicide detection in youth? The feasibility and acceptability of the death implicit association test among pediatric medical inpatients,2022,2,1,44-52,Horowitz Vulnerable populations: comparison of characteristics of adolescent inpatients with substance use disorder and a history of child maltreatment to inpatients without a history of child maltreatment: a retrospective chart review,2022,2,1,22-29,Preyde Effects of darsi intervention program on adolescents' perceptions of love tolerance toward abuse and dating violence perpetration,2022,2,1,11-21,Buelga Opinions on youth suicide risk screening from individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their therapists: a pilot study,2021,1,4,473-480,Horowitz Mood and suicidality among cyberbullied adolescents: a cross-sectional study from youth risk behavior survey,2021,1,4,412-420,Aedma Youth mental health peer support work: a qualitative study exploring the impacts and challenges of operating in a peer support role,2021,1,4,400-411,Hides The impact of school closure on adolescents' wellbeing and steps towards to a new normal: the need for an assessment tool update?,2021,1,3,360-362,Inchley "God didn't make a mistake in creating me": intrapersonal resilience processes among gay and bisexual male youth in Kenya,2021,1,3,267-282,Harper Prevalence and factors associated with interpersonal violence among in-school adolescents in Ghana: analysis of the Global School-Based Health Survey Data,2021,1,2,186-198,Ahinkorah Health and welfare outcomes for adolescents following release from prison in Queensland Australia: a prospective cohort study,2021,1,2,175-185,Kinner Adolescents who report being involved in physical fights in Mauritius: a cross-sectional study of socio-demographic and behavioral correlates,2021,1,2,151-158,Shaikh Virtual reality-based alcohol prevention in adolescents: a systematic review,2021,1,2,138-150,Stock Psychological and forensic challenges regarding youth consumption of pornography: a narrative review,2021,1,2,108-122,Gassó Reported perpetration of intimate partner violence among adolescent girls: motivations and PV victimization,2022,2,4,479-492,Reed Levels and pattern of alcohol consumption among adolescents in Bolivia: a national cross-sectional survey in 2018,2023,3,1,1-9,Peltzer Multi-level protective and risk factors longitudinally associated with dating violence perpetration among non-urban Mexican-American adolescents,2022,3,1,72-81,Deardorff Interconnections between emotion recognition self-processes and psychological well-being in adolescents,2023,3,1,41-59,Talwar Gender-based violence in girls' sports,2023,3,2,278-289,Kerr Bullying victimization and juvenile delinquency in Ghanaian schools: the moderating effect of social support,2023,3,2,228-239,Duah 'Now she's a child and she has a child'--experiences of Syrian child brides in Lebanon after early marriage,2023,3,2,212-227,Davison Lessons learned from a mixed-method pilot of a norms-shifting social media intervention to reduce teacher-perpetrated school-related gender-based violence in Uganda,2023,3,2,199-211,Kennedy The brother-sister sibling dyad as a pathway to gender-based violence prevention: engaging male siblings in family-strengthening programs in humanitarian settings,2023,3,1,153-172,Stark Effectiveness of digital health tools to prevent bullying among middle school students,2023,3,1,110-130,Griffin Cyber sexual harassment among adolescent girls: a qualitative analysis,2023,3,1,84-91,Reed Youth's social environments: associations with mental problems and achievement of developmental milestones in times of crises,2023,3,2,366-381,Laceulle Money economic abuse and food insecurity: a qualitative study among young Nigerian women with a history of intimate partner violence,2023,3,2,330-342,Reed Tailoring sexual health research practices to meet the needs of adolescent girls in low- and middle-income countries: findings from Mexico,2024,4,1,158-170,Fisher Effectiveness of Native STAND: A Five-Year Study of a Culturally Relevant Sexual Health Intervention,2021,1,3,321-334,Lambert