Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Exploring negative beliefs about power,2021,52,4,250-263,Dohle Sex differences concerning prosocial behavior in social dilemmas are (partially) mediated by risk preferences but not social preferences,2021,52,2,61-74,Glöckner Not getting what you want: aggression prosocial behaviors and popularity,2022,53,1,46-50,Symonds A modifying effect of trait empathy on frustration-related attentional processing of aggression-related words,2022,53,2,107-120,He Cynical but useful?,2023,54,5,294-307,Stavrova Does low (vs. High) subjective socioeconomic status increase both prosociality and aggression?,2018,49,2,76-87,Greitemeyer When bystanders increase rather than decrease intentions to help,2015,46,2,116-119,Greitemeyer Leadership and information processing: The influence of transformational and transactional leadership on selective information search evaluation and conveying,2014,45,5,357-370,Frey Playing video games cooperatively increases empathic concern,2013,44,6,408-413,Greitemeyer Playing exergames and sporting activity: The impact of identification with one's game character,2013,44,4,264-270,Fischer