Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Marie Langer or the impossible neutrality of the analyst ;; Marie Langer ou l'impossible neutralité de l'analyste,2017,140,3,137-151,Bley The dynamic and developmental dimensions of hatred rage and violence,2017,140,3,23-38,Blum A slow demise for justice,2008,102,1,71-82,Benslama Overprotection and Self-Destructive Risk-Taking in Adolescence,2009,107,2,193-206,de Kernier Martyrdom - Bearing witness to life or death?,2010,113,4,57-71,Courban New martyrs : The agony of identity,2010,113,4,161-186,Barzin Propaganda and suicide attacks,2010,111,2,59-72,Barzin The martyr - Bearing witness to an ideal,2010,113,4,73-80,Bonnet Suicide or murder in the family?,2011,117,4,117-130,Bonnichon L'adolescent héros: Le paradoxe du devenir dans l'agonie,2013,125,4,43-51,Barzin Flirting with death,2014,126,1,17-23,Fessaguet Child theories on suicide and the desire to self- beget,2015,130,1,113-124,Guittonneau-Bertholet Appraising psychic damage,2018,144,3,7-13,Bertrand The pain of carers,2020,150,3,67-72,Fessaguet