Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A multi-stream CNN for deep violence detection in video sequences using handcrafted features,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mohtavipour Aerial firefighter radio communication performance in a virtual training system: radio communication disruptions simulated in VR for air attack supervision,2021,37,1,63-76,Billinghurst Modelling distracted agents in crowd simulations,2021,37,1,107-118,Kapadia Privacy-preserving video fall detection using visual shielding information,2021,37,2,359-370,Liu Online multi-object tracking with pedestrian re-identification and occlusion processing,2021,37,5,1089-1099,Wang Improved human action recognition approach based on two-stream convolutional neural network model,2021,37,6,1327-1341,Liu Multi-frame feature-fusion-based model for violence detection,2021,37,6,1415-1431,Yang Benchmarking commercial emotion detection systems using realistic distortions of facial image datasets,2021,37,6,1447-1466,Wadley Effects of individual's emotions on saliency and visual search,2021,37,6,1581-1592,Laco Scale and density invariant head detection deep model for crowd counting in pedestrian crowds,2021,37,8,2127-2137,Khan Three-view generation based on a single front view image for car,2021,37,8,2195-2205,Yang Joint information fusion and multi-scale network model for pedestrian detection,2021,37,8,2433-2442,Zhang Accurate visual tracking via reliable patch,2022,38,2,625-638,Yang Detection of damaged buildings after an earthquake with convolutional neural networks in conjunction with image segmentation,2022,38,2,685-694,Ünlü Virtual reality safety training using deep EEG-net and physiology data,2022,38,4,1195-1207,Tang Suggestion pattern on online social networks: between intensity effectiveness and user's satisfaction,2022,38,4,1331-1343,Bedjaoui An accurate violence detection framework using unsupervised spatial-temporal action translation network,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mohtavipour