Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A vicious cycle of fear of falling avoidance behavior in Parkinson's disease: a path analysis,2021,4,,e100089,Landers Are functional movement disorder phenotypes or age at onset correlated with perfectionism or history of abuse?,2021,4,,e100099,Zhu Effects of a rollator on fall prevention in community-dwelling people with Parkinson's disease: a prospective cohort study,2023,8,,e100190,Okuyama Self-treatment of freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease patients using silicone pads to apply Thai acupressure to plantar acupoints: a randomised controlled trial,2024,10,,e100254,Panyakaew Anxiety spectrum disorders are common in patients with orthostatic tremor,2019,1,,10-12,Bayer