Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Formation of an intersectoral network to support trans survivors of sexual assault: a survey of health and community organizations,2021,22,3,243-252,MacDonald Narratives of transphobic violence in the Mexican province of Colima: a psychosocial analysis,2021,22,3,253-268,Johnson Enacted stigma experiences and protective factors are strongly associated with mental health outcomes of transgender people in Aotearoa/New Zealand,2021,22,3,269-280,Treharne Learning to endure: a qualitative examination of the protective factors of homeless transgender and gender expansive youth engaged in survival sex,2021,22,3,316-329,Alessi Suicidality self-harm and their correlates among transgender and cisgender people living in Aotearoa/New Zealand or Australia,2020,21,4,440-454,Riggs Latinx trans immigrants' survival of torture in U.S. detention: a qualitative investigation of the psychological impact of abuse and mistreatment,2022,23,1-2,36-59,Budge Systems of cissexism and the daily production of stress for transgender and gender diverse people,2023,24,1,113-126,Mustanski Mental health substance use experiences of violence and access to health care among transgender and non-binary people during the COVID-19 lockdown in Argentina,2023,24,3,320-333,Sued "To feel supported in your community is to feel loved": cultivating community and support for Black transmasculine people navigating anti-Black racism transphobia and COVID-19 pandemic,2023,24,3,263-280,Abreu Barriers and facilitators of post-violence help-seeking behavior among 21-49-year-old transgender women in Phnom Penh: a qualitative study,2023,24,4,368-380,Yi Where do incarcerated trans women prefer to be housed and why? Adding nuanced understandings to a complex debate through the voices of formerly incarcerated trans women in Australia and the United States,2024,25,2,167-186,Mullens The clinical profile of patients attending a large Australian pediatric gender service: A 10-year review,2023,24,1,59-69,Tollit Mental health and challenges of transgender women: A qualitative study in Brazil and India,2020,21,4,418-430,Gomes de Jesus Healing transgender women of color in Los Angeles: A transgender-centric delivery of Seeking Safety,2022,23,1-2,232-242,Li Internalized transphobia and mental health among transgender adults: A nationwide cross-sectional survey in South Korea,2020,21,2,182-193,Operario Family rejection acceptance support and health among transgender women sex workers living with HIV in Santo Domingo Dominican Republic,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Perez How the COVID-19 pandemic affects transgender health care - A cross-sectional online survey in 63 upper-middle-income and high-income countries,2023,24,3,346-359,Veale Interrupted gender transitions: underlying motivations as correlates of psychosocial risks,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walls The influence of the severity of gender dysphoria on anxiety depression suicidal ideation and non-suicidal self-injury in Chinese transgender nonbinary and gender-diverse youth,2024,25,3,456-470,Chen