Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Suicide after Facebook posts-an unnoticed departure of life in Bangladesh,2021,1,,100005,Islam New psychoactive substances in Nigeria: a call for more research in Africa,2021,1,,100008,Dumbili Exploring the use of Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) via the YouTube data tool: a novel netnographic analysis,2021,1,,100007,Corazza The dangerous use of inhalants among teens: a case report,2021,1,,100006,Corazza An unusual suicide by carbon monoxide intoxication: 91% HbCO saturation in a sealed setting,2021,1,,e100021,Solarino Mortality involving new psychoactive substances across Europe 2016-2017,2021,1,,e100016,Vicente A strategy to prioritize emerging drugs of abuse for analysis: abuse liability testing using intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS) in rats and validation with α-pyrrolidinohexanophenone (α-PHP),2021,1,,e100004,Negus Preliminary assessment of fentanyl and synthetic opioids prevalence among addiction patients by means of hair analysis,2021,1,,e100020,Corazza Tramadol in seized drugs containing non-pharmaceutical fentanyl: crime lab data from Ohio USA,2022,2,,e100042,Juhascik Legal responses to novel psychoactive substances implemented by ten European countries: an analysis from legal epidemiology,2022,2,,e100044,Roman-Urrestarazu