Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Sexual violence and sex education in India: are we missing wood for the trees? [letter],2020,2,3-4,284-285,Kumar "Beyond the fifty shades…": intersections of sadomasochism and sexual torture [editorial],2020,2,3-4,210-214,Banerjee Male perpetrators of intimate partner violence: MCMI III Profiles Grossman Facet Scales Family of Origin Experiences and Attitudes Toward Women in a small cohort of men in India,2020,2,3-4,265-269,Daruwalla Intimate partner violence anxiety and depression in women with sexually transmitted infections--a hospital-based case control study,2021,3,1,65-72,Bondade Sleep related abnormal sexual behaviors: uncommon yet grave!,2021,3,2,115-116,Kumar Nymphomania associated with childhood sexual abuse: a case report,2021,3,2,187-190,Chaudhury Pornography and sexual violence against women in India: a scoping review,2021,3,3,216-221,Kar The cyber avatar of sexual harassment at the workplace: media analysis of reports during CoViD-19,2021,3,4,322-331,Ahuja The dark shadow of marital rape: need to change the narrative,2022,4,1,11-13,Rao The hidden shadow pandemic of marital rape during COVID-19 pandemic outbreak: a critical role of women's march for awareness of rape consent and sexual and reproductive rights,2022,4,2,80-94,Mukhtar Characteristics of cyber sextortion in India: content analysis of online newspapers published in 2019-2021,2022,4,3,171-177,Mondal "Nowhere to sleep safe": impact of sexual violence on homeless women in India,2022,4,4,223-226,Bhattacharya Understanding adolescent sexuality: a developmental perspective,2022,4,4,237-242,Chandran Intimate partner violence in same-sex relationships: are we aware of the implications?,2023,5,1,13-19,Kumar An overview of criminal laws in India in relation to sex and sexuality,2023,5,1,23-29,Narayan Teen pornography: an emerging mental health challenge,2023,5,1,30-34,Kar Pornography and its impact on adolescent/teenage sexuality,2023,5,1,35-39,Sahoo