Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The contexts of the Christchurch terror attacks: social science perspectives,2020,15,2,247-259,Crothers Methods for the 2019 New Zealand family violence study- a study on the association between violence exposure health and well-being,2021,16,1,196-209,Fanslow Family violence in the news: an analysis of media reporting of family violence in Aotearoa New Zealand,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dissanayake Mahi aroha: Māori work in times of trouble and disaster as an expression of a love for the people,2021,16,2,356-370,Cram Pro-social bystander sexual violence prevention workshops for first year university students: perspectives of students and staff of residential colleges,2021,16,2,432-447,Beres Influence of positive development opportunities on student well-being depression and suicide risk: the New Zealand Youth Health and Well-being Survey 2012,2017,12,2,119-133,Denny Suicide reports in the news-impact of Chief Coroner's call to open up suicide reporting,2018,13,2,285-292,Stanley Barriers to positive outcomes in treating patients at risk of suicide in Aotearoa/New Zealand: perspectives from 'positively inclined' clinicians,2021,16,1,225-232,Soulié Engaging with whānau to improve coronial investigations into rangatahi suicide,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jenkin