Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Adding insult to injury: mitigating the impact of CoViD-19 on mental health treatment of PTSD,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rothbaum The use of digital health technologies to manage insomnia in military populations,2020,5,1,61-69,Armstrong Utilization of an automated internet-based safety plan,2020,5,2,129-138,Leykin Social interaction in major depressive disorder social phobia and controls: the importance of affect,2020,5,2,139-148,Lieb A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of behavioral intervention technologies and face-to-face cognitive behavioral therapy for youth with depression,2020,5,4,324-335,Bunge Weekend text messages increase protective behavioral strategies and reduce harm among college drinkers,2020,5,4,395-401,McChargue Lessons learned in selection and review of depression apps for primary care settings,2021,6,1,42-53,Watanabe-Galloway Recreational screen time activities and depressive symptomatology among adolescents: the moderating role of interpersonal factors and gender,2021,6,1,88-99,Goldfield Ethical and safety concerns regarding the use of mental health-related apps in counseling: considerations for counselors,2021,6,1,137-150,Palmer #PuertoRicoSeLevanta: a closer look at the language used on the first-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria,2021,6,2,358-364,Nugent Positive and negative social media experiences among young adults with and without depressive symptoms,2021,6,2,378-387,Primack Self-compassion and Instagram use is explained by the relation to anxiety depression and stress,2021,6,2,436-441,Keyte The association of mobile phone addiction proneness and self-reported road accident in Oyo State Nigeria,2021,6,3,486-491,Adeyemi Videoconferencing needed in suicide prevention hotlines,2021,6,3,498-500,Like Mhealth for young adults with early psychosis: user preferences and their relationship to attitudes about treatment-seeking,2021,6,4,667-676,Ben-Zeev High school educator training by simulation to address emotional and behavioral concerns in school settings: a randomized study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fazel First steps for conducting online research with adolescents: basic considerations for implementation success,2022,7,1,57-62,Bunge Seeking and sharing mental health information on social media during COVID-19: role of depression and anxiety peer support and health benefits,2022,7,2,211-226,Sopory The benefits and challenges of shifting to telehealth during COVID-19: qualitative feedback from Kentucky's sexual violence resource centers and children's advocacy centers,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Griffiths Qualitative study of telehealth delivery of suicide-specific group treatment "project life force",2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stanley The effects of engagement with an online depression prevention program for adolescents on suicide risk factors,2022,7,3,307-314,Leykin Afraid of social exclusion: fear of missing out predicts cyberball-induced ostracism,2022,7,3,315-324,Ferraro Smartphone addiction and traffic accidents: the moderating role of texting while driving,2022,7,3,406-413,Rosenthal Smartphone addiction and pedestrian accidents among US college students,2022,7,4,524-531,Rosenthal Virtual versus in-person suicide prevention training in the workplace: evaluation of the VitalCog Program,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mishkind Initial examination of DAHLIA: a fully-automated internet intervention for women survivors of sexual assault,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown Natural History of Suicidal Ideation: Insights from the Electronic Health Record,2018,3,2,58-62,Foster Training Teachers to Identify and Refer At-Risk Students Through Computer Simulation,2019,4,4,340-345,Kendall The Online Fear of Missing Out Inventory (ON-FoMO): Development and Validation of a New Tool,2020,5,1,20-29,Sette Feasibility of a Supportive Text Messaging Intervention in Northwest Alaska,2023,8,2,113-117,Edwards Mobile mental health applications for American Indian and Alaska Native communities: review and recommendations,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goss Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: Effectiveness of Stand-Alone Digital Suicide Preventive Interventions for the Self-Management of Suicidality,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wasserman