Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Hand sanitizer associated ocular chemical injury: a mini-review on its rise under COVID-19,2020,21,,e100881,Au Do wireless ear phones need to be removed emergently once swallowed?,2020,20,,e100697,Krumsick Approach to management of penetrating neck injuries: a case of multiple self-inflicted penetrating knife wounds,2020,20,,e100700,Liang Have you seen the battery? A case of an esophageal button battery in a toddler,2020,20,,e100750,Todd Rattlesnake envenomation: the utility of serial examinations,2020,20,,e100791,Teng Traumatic hand degloving injury by conveyor belt,2020,20,,e100744,Miller Penetrating oral wound in a child caused by toothbrush,2020,19,,e100656,Wu Gait instability with history of nitrous oxide abuse,2020,19,,e100690,Tseng Dog bite: what is left behind,2020,19,,e100738,Goldstein Chilblains following exposure to the cold,2020,18,,e100711,Vearrier Snake envenomation by pet rattlesnake,2019,15,,e100566,Rosario