Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Psychological and neurobiological aspects of suicide in adolescents: current outlooks,2020,7,,100124,Martin Signaling networks in inflammatory pathways and risk for suicidal behavior,2020,7,,e2020.100122,Brent Psychosocial health effects of CoViD-19 infection on persons in treatment centers in Lagos Nigeria,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oshodi DNA methylation and exposure to violence among African American young adult males,2021,14,,e100247,Saadatmand Toxoplasma gondii seropositivity in patients with depressive and anxiety disorders,2021,11,,e100197,Giltay Life in the flame: inflammation sounds the alarm for suicide risk,2021,14,,e100250,Jiang Short review: The impact of sex on neuroimmune and cognitive outcomes after traumatic brain injury,2021,16,,e100327,Krukowski Mindfulness interventions for offsetting health risk following early life stress: promising directions,2021,17,,100338,Lindsay Psychoneuroimmunology: the new frontier in suicide research,2021,17,,100344,Neupane From childhood maltreatment to adult inflammation: evidence for the mediational status of social anxiety and low positive affect,2021,18,,e100366,McDonnell New frontiers in suicide vulnerability: immune system and sex hormones,2021,18,,100384,Lombardo Alterations to the gut microbiome after sport-related concussion in a collegiate football players cohort: a pilot study,2022,21,,e100438,Wang Prevalence of depression and anxiety in the different clinical forms of multiple sclerosis and associations with disability: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,24,,e100484,Trevisan Integrating biobehavioral information to predict mood disorder suicide risk,2022,24,,e100495,Jackson Immune characterization of suicidal behavior in female adolescents,2022,25,,e100499,Trivedi Adverse and traumatic exposures posttraumatic stress disorder telomere length and hair cortisol - exploring associations in a high-risk sample of young adult residential care leavers,2022,26,,e100524,Schmid Injury illness and emotion: a review of the motivational continuum from trauma through recovery from an ecological perspective,2023,27,,e100586,Harvey Sex differences in childhood maltreatment inflammation and adulthood depression: a network analysis,2023,29,,e100611,Mowbray Suicidality in civilian women with PTSD: possible link to childhood maltreatment proinflammatory molecules and their genetic variations,2023,30,,e100650,Kamo Inverse association of anti-inflammatory prescription fills and suicide-related mortality in young adults: evidence from a nationwide study of Swedish regions 2006-2021,2023,31,,e100665,Jokinen Longitudinal associations between dimensions of maltreatment and internalizing symptoms in late adolescence: the role of inflammation during the COVID-19 pandemic,2024,35,,e100719,Kim-Spoon Recent anti-infective exposure as a risk factor for first episode of suicidal thoughts and/or behaviors in pediatric patients,2024,36,,e100738,Yolken Association between cytokines and suicidality in patients with psychosis: a multicentre longitudinal analysis,2024,37,,e100756,Joa Effects of poloxamer 188 on traumatic brain injury,2024,38,,e100762,Nomellini Immunological alterations in patients with current and lifetime suicide ideation and attempts: Examining the relationship with depressive symptoms,2024,38,,e100777,Daray Transcranial direct-current stimulation over the motor cortex in patients suffering from anxiety and depression related to rheumatoid arthritis: study protocol for a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial,2023,28,,e100566,ArĂȘas Retinal-glia ischemia and inflammation induced by chronic stress: The SABPA study,2020,2,,,Malan Three insights on psychoneuroimmunology of mood disorders to be taken from the COVID-19 pandemic,2020,5,,,Brietzke A novel adverse effect of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine: First episode of acute mania with psychotic features,2021,18,,,Yesilkaya Are alterations in estradiol cortisol and inflammatory cytokines associated with depression during pregnancy and postpartum? An exploratory study,2021,16,,,Szpunar Exploring the roles of tryptophan metabolism in MS beyond neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration: A paradigm shift to neuropsychiatric symptoms,2021,12,,,Tan