Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Multisystem resilience for children and youth in disaster: reflections in the context of CoViD-19,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Masten Is there an ace up our sleeve? A review of interventions and strategies for addressing behavioral and neurobiological effects of adverse childhood experiences in youth,2020,1,1,5-28,Kirlic Early life stress and substance use disorders: underlying neurobiology and pathways to adverse outcomes,2020,1,1,29-47,Lippard Screening for childhood adversity: contemporary challenges and recommendations,2020,1,1,65-79,Bartlett Adverse childhood experiences in infancy: a latent class approach exploring interrelatedness of risks,2020,1,1,81-93,Whiteside-Mansell Early childhood risk and protective factors predicting resilience against adolescent substance use,2020,1,2,107-119,Leonard Developmental origins of ghosts and angels in the nursery: adverse and benevolent childhood experiences,2020,1,2,121-134,Harris Risk and protective factors for treatment dropout in a child maltreatment population,2020,1,3,165-177,Madigan Epigenetic consequences of adversity and intervention throughout the lifespan: implications for public policy and healthcare,2020,1,3,205-216,Roth Adverse childhood experiences socio-economic status and criminal behaviour: a cross-sectional correctional survey,2020,1,4,319-327,Kazeem Resilience during pregnancy: how early life experiences are associated with pregnancy-specific stress,2020,1,4,295-305,Ciciolla Socioeconomic status moderates the impact of emotional but not physical childhood abuse on women's sleep,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Currie Childhood adversity and perceived distress from the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,2,1,1-4,Teague The differential interplay of home routines and comforting beliefs on adolescent mental health in situations of severe parental conflict,2021,2,1,5-17,Ungar "I wouldn't be here without them": resilience in youth exposed to intimate partner violence,2021,2,1,19-35,Piotrowski The interplay between adolescent friendship quality and resilient functioning following childhood and adolescent adversity,2021,2,1,37-50,Goodyer Additional insights into the relationship between brain network architecture and susceptibility and resilience to the psychiatric sequelae of childhood maltreatment,2020,1,1,49-64,Teicher Risk and protective pathways to peer victimization from infancy to adolescence: role of fathers,2021,2,2,109-123,Livingston Benevolent childhood experiences and childhood maltreatment history: examining their roles in depressive symptoms across the peripartum period,2022,3,2,169-179,Humphreys Childhood adversity emotional well-being loneliness and optimism: a national study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mumford Relationships among adverse and benevolent childhood experiences emotion dysregulation and psychopathology symptoms,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Feiler Family risk exposure profiles during early childhood: developmental processes and adolescent well-being,2023,4,2,151-170,Eiden Resilience and low substance use among indigenous college students from a sexual assault prevention study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cole Adverse childhood experiences mental health and resilience in 2SLGBTQIA + persons: a scoping review,2023,4,3,211-233,Wekerle Development and initial validation of a short form of the Memories of Home and Family Scale,2023,4,3,235-244,Shevlin Relations between stress-adapted communication skills and toxic social networks among young adults with childhood adversity,2023,4,3,259-271,Brown Childhood centeredness is a broader predictor of young adulthood mental health than childhood adversity attachment and other positive childhood experiences,2023,4,2,191-210,Narayan Exploring interrelatedness of adverse childhood experiences in infancy and toddlerhood: using latent class approaches to examine developmental outcomes,2023,4,1,33-46,Whiteside-Mansell Father-child and mother-child relationships as predictors of injury-risk behaviors in toddlers,2023,4,1,47-56,Lemelin Unsettling settler colonialism in research: strategies centering Native American experience and expertise in responding to substance misuse and co-occurring sexual risk-taking alcohol-exposed pregnancy and suicide prevention among young people,2023,4,4,389-400,Moore Theory measurement and psychometric properties of risk and protective factors for drug misuse among adolescents living on or near the Cherokee Nation Reservation,2023,4,4,401-413,Wagenaar