Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Analysis of traffic safety facilities in pedestrian protection area: focusing on variable speed limit signs and beacons,2017,16,5,121-133,Kim Study on the improvement of traffic accident report for automated vehicle test scenarios,2022,21,2,167-182,Yun Analyzing intention to use shared e-scooters considering individual travel attitudes: the case of Seoul metropolitan areas,2022,21,1,1-16,Choo Detecting vehicles that are illegally driving on road shoulders using faster R-CNN,2022,21,1,105-122,Yeo Selection of accident frequency area through accident cost analysis,2022,21,2,33-43,Lee A study on the safety policies of truck traffic using fuzzy-AHP,2022,21,2,44-61,Chen A study on the method for managing hazard factors to support operation of automated driving vehicles on road infrastructure,2022,21,2,62-73,Kim A study of LiDAR's detection performance degradation in fog and rain climate,2022,21,2,101-115,Kim A study on the analysis of dangerous driving behavior and traffic accident risk according to the operation characteristics of commercial freight vehicles,2022,21,2,152-166,Park An IoT-based traffic safety pedestrian system for the elderly by factor analysis,2021,20,1,1-9,Lee Estimating a mode choice model considering shared e-scooter service,2021,20,1,22-39,Choo Study on shared e-scooter usage characteristics and influencing factors,2021,20,1,40-53,Choo Analysing spatial usage characteristics of shared e-scooter: focused on spatial autocorrelation modeling,2021,20,1,54-69,Choo Traffic speed prediction based on graph neural networks for intelligent transportation system,2021,20,1,70-85,Kim Speed prediction of urban freeway using LSTM and CNN-LSTM Neural Network,2021,20,1,86-99,Park Analysis of PM (personal mobility) traffic accident caracteristics and cause of death,2021,20,1,100-118,Yun Analysis of driving characteristics of elderly drivers on roads using vehicle simulator,2021,20,1,146-159,Lee Study of analysis for autonomous vehicle collision using text embedding,2021,20,1,160-173,Yun A study on evaluation method for older drivers driving ability using driving course test site,2022,21,1,141-158,Lee A study on the enforcement of violation of traffic laws by delivery motorcycle riders,2022,21,1,182-192,Kim Design of algorithm for collision avoidance with VRU using V2X information,2022,21,1,240-257,Park Integrated assessment for commercialization of road hazardous information colleted by commercial vehicles,2021,20,2,30-42,Yoo Estimation of traffic safety improvement effect of forward collision warning (FCW),2021,20,2,43-57,Kim Implementation of in-car GNSS jamming signal data generator to test autonomous driving vehicles under RFI attack on navigation system,2021,20,2,79-94,Kang Detection algorithm of road damage and obstacle based on joint deep learning for driving safety,2021,20,2,95-111,Shim Analysis on handicaps of automated vehicle and their causes using IPA and FGI,2021,20,3,34-46,Kim A plan to improve the use of personal mobility by reflecting playground design elements,2021,20,3,47-58,Lee Forecasting of traffic accident occurrence pattern using LSTM,2021,20,3,59-73,Roh Time synchronization technique for GNSS jamming monitoring network system,2021,20,3,74-85,Jin A research on V2I-based accident prevention system for the prevention of unexpected accident of autonomous vehicle,2021,20,3,86-99,Han Comparative analysis of traffic accident severity of two-wheeled vehicles using XGBoost,2021,20,4,1-12,Kwon Analysis of incident impact factors and development of SMOGN-DNN model for prediction of incident clearance time,2021,20,4,46-56,Bae An analysis of civil complaints about traffic policing using the LDA model,2021,20,4,57-70,Lee The effect analysis of safe driving education for high-risk driver groups in sudden pedestrian crossing situation using a driving simulator,2021,20,5,18-34,Lee Development and exploration of safety performance functions using multiple modeling techniques: trumpet ramps,2021,20,5,35-44,Park A study on the estimation of design service traffic volume for turbo roundabout,2021,20,5,45-58,Song Vehicle localization method for lateral position within lane based on vision and HD map,2021,20,5,186-201,Woo Study on the evaluation method of autonomous vehicle driving ability based on virtual reality,2021,20,5,202-217,Kim A study on estimation of road and transportation facility improvement direction using random forest,2021,20,6,37-46,Hwang A study on extraction method of hazard traffic flow segment,2021,20,6,47-54,Chong Dentifying and clustering the flood impacted areas for strategic information provision,2021,20,6,100-109,Bilal Analyzing driving behavior road sign attentiveness and recognition with eye tracking data,2021,20,6,117-132,Lee Comparative analysis of the psychological state and driving safety for driving within the platoons of trucks by drivers driving performance,2021,20,6,147-161,Park Study on the development of road safety judgment indicators to establish of installation criteria of safety facility,2021,20,6,192-202,Kim Development of time-based safety performance function for freeways,2021,20,6,203-213,Lee A study of LiDAR's performance change by road sign's color and climate,2021,20,6,228-241,Kim Development of commercial game engine-based low cost driving simulator for researches on autonomous driving artificial intelligent algorithms,2021,20,6,242-263,Kang Development of dilemma situations and driving strategies to secure driving safety for automated vehicles,2021,20,6,264-279,Han Study on the development of methodology for evaluation of driving safety of automated vehicles on real roads,2021,20,6,280-298,Yun A study on the risk analysis and fail-safe verification of autonomous vehicles using V2X based on intersection scenarios,2021,20,6,299-312,Yunseok A study on sensor modeling for virtual testing of ADS based on MIL simulation,2021,20,6,331-345,Shin The evaluation analysis of improved signal actuation for a national highway ;; 우리나라 일반국도 환경을 고려한 감응제어시스템 시범운영 효과 분석,2017,16,1,1-13,Kim An analysis on vehicle accident factors of intersections using random effects tobit regression model ;; Random Effects Tobit 회귀모형을 이용한 교차로 교통사고 요인 분석,2017,16,1,26-37,Lee Development of the algorithm of a public transportation route search considering the resistance value of traffic safety and environmental index ;; 교통안전 환경지표의 저항값을 고려한 대중교통 경로 탐색 알고리즘 개발,2017,16,1,78-89,Kim Analysis of pedestrian-thrown distance pattern by pedestrian-vehicle collision position ;; 보행자와 승용차의 충돌 위치에 따른 전도거리 패턴 분석,2017,16,1,90-100,Kwon Designation of logical bicycle accident dangerous zone by digital map-based accident characteristics analysis ;; 디지털 맵 기반 사고특성 분석을 통한 자전거 사고 논리 위험존 설정 연구,2017,16,1,117-130,Lee The tunnel lane positioning system of a autonomous vehicle in the LED lighting ;; LED 조명을 이용한 자율주행차용 터널 차로측위 시스템,2017,16,1,186-195,Jeong Demand forecasting method for truck rest areas beside national highways ;; 국도변 화물차휴게소 수요예측기법 연구,2017,16,2,13-22,Choi Development of work zone traffic control algorithm for two lane road ;; 공사구간 교대통행 동적제어 알고리즘 개발,2017,16,2,23-35,Oh Analyzing traffic impacts of the utilitarian robotic autonomous vehicle ;; 자율주행차량의 윤리적 문제 점검을 위한 시뮬레이션 연구,2017,16,2,55-72,Im A stability test of the regression coefficients for the linear models using Chow test ;; 차우검정을 활용한 선형회귀모형간 유사성 검증,2017,16,2,73-82,Lee A study on ergonomic traffic sign focused on spatial compatibility ;; 공간양립성 중심 도로표지 시인성 향상에 관한 연구,2017,16,2,83-91,Nam Implementation and evaluation of multiple target algorithm for automotive radar sensor ;; 차량용 레이더 센서를 위한 다중 타겟 알고리즘의 구현과 평가,2017,16,2,105-115,Ryu An analysis on compliance of variable speed limit under foggy conditions using driving simulator ;; 차량 시뮬레이터를 이용한 안개 도로 가변제한속도 순응 경향 분석,2017,16,2,116-127,Kim A study of sensor fusion using radar sensor and vision sensor in moving object detection ;; 레이더 센서와 비전 센서를 활용한 다중 센서 융합 기반 움직임 검지에 관한 연구,2017,16,2,140-152,Kim The study on DBPL encoder design for railway balise application ;; 철도 발리스 응용을 위한 DBPL 인코더 설계 연구,2017,16,2,161-170,Lee Design and implementation of automatic scoring software to improve the efficiency of driving license test ;; 운전면허시험 효율성 향상을 위한 자동채점 소프트웨어 설계 및 구현에 관한 연구,2017,16,2,180-189,Kim Study on the prioritization of improvement plan for road traffic safety projects for business vehicles by the introduction of autonomous vehicles ;; 자율주행자동차 도입에 따른 사업용 차량 도로교통 안전사업 개선방안 우선순위 선정 연구,2017,16,3,1-14,Nam Aggressive driving behavior in the protected/permissive left turn(PPLT) intersections ;; 보호/비보호좌회전(PPLT) 교차로에서의 공격적 운전행태 연구,2017,16,3,28-38,Oh A study of TPCLT (twice per cycle left-turn) operation impact at three-legged signalized intersection ;; 3지교차로에서의 연속좌회전(TPCLT)신호운영에 관한 연구,2017,16,3,50-58,Oh Driving methology for smart transportation under longitudinal and curved section of freeway ;; 스마트교통시대의 종단 및 횡단 복합도로선형 구간에서의 가감속 시나리오별 최적주행 방법론,2017,16,3,73-82,Bae Adaptability analysis of emergency preemption system in field operation ;; 긴급차량 우선신호시스템 현장운영에 따른 적용성 분석,2017,16,3,95-109,Kim A passive traffic signal priority control algorithm for emergency vehicles ;; 긴급차량 우선신호 센터제어 알고리즘 개발,2017,16,3,110-119,Lee Comparing the effects of visual and visual-auditory feedback on eco-driving and driving workload ;; 시각적 피드백과 시각-청각적 피드백이 에코 드라이빙과 운전부하에 미치는 상대적 효과,2017,16,3,120-131,Lee Prediction of severities of rental car traffic accidents using naive Bayes big data classifier ;; 나이브 베이즈 빅데이터 분류기를 이용한 렌터카 교통사고 심각도 예측,2017,16,4,1-12,Yun Risk factors affecting the injury severity of rental car accidents in South Korea: an application of ordered probit model ;; 순서형 프로빗 모형을 이용한 렌터카 사고 심각도 영향요인 분석,2018,17,4,1-17,Kwon Effect of agricultural machine lighting systems on drivers night visibility ;; 농기계의 등화장치가 운전자의 야간시인성에 미치는 영향,2017,16,4,25-35,Choi Development of a model for evaluating metropolitan railways' competitiveness against passenger cars: focusing on the express train service of Gyeongeui · Joongang Connected Line ;; 광역전철의 승용차 경쟁력 평가모형 개발 : 경의선·중앙선 급행열차 직결운행을 중심으로,2017,16,4,54-63,Choi A development of traffic accident prediction model at rural unsignalized intersections using random parameter ;; Random Parameter를 이용한 지방부 무신호교차로 교통사고 예측모형개발,2017,16,4,64-75,Lee An analysis of change in traffic characteristics with fog ;; 안개 발생에 따른 교통 특성 변화 분석,2017,16,4,92-106,Kim Impacts of automated vehicle platoons on car-following behavior of manually-driven vehicles ;; 군집주행 환경이 비자율차량의 차량 추종에 미치는 영향분석,2017,16,4,107-121,Oh A study on dilemma zone safety improvement using drone videos ;; 드론을 이용한 교차로 딜레마구간 안전개선에 관한 연구,2017,16,4,122-131,Lee Automated vehicle research by recognizing maneuvering modes using LSTM model ;; LSTM 모델 기반 주행 모드 인식을 통한 자율 주행에 관한 연구,2017,16,4,153-163,Oh An evaluation on the length of guidance lane marking on expressways using virtual driving simulator ;; 가상주행 시뮬레이터를 활용한 고속도로 차로유도선 적정 연장길이 산정 연구,2017,16,5,1-11,Park A study on the application method of all-red phase at the signalized intersection ;; 신호교차로의 전적신호 적용방법 연구,2017,16,5,29-37,Lee Analysis of improvement measures of vertical moving facilities at subway stations for elderly users based on a data envelopment analysis ;; 자료포락분석 기반의 고령자를 위한 지하철 역사 수직이동시설의 개선방안 분석,2017,16,5,60-71,Kim Analysis of pedestrian throw distance from truck speed and bumper height ;; 트럭의 속도 및 범퍼높이가 보행자 전도거리에 미치는 영향 분석,2017,16,5,85-95,Baek Evaluation of accident prevention performance of vision and radar sensor for major accident scenarios in intersection ;; 교차로 주요 사고 시나리오에 대한 비전 센서와 레이더 센서의 사고 예방성능 평가,2017,16,5,96-108,Yeo Realization of a automatic grading system for driver's license test ;; 자동차 운전면허 시험을 위한 자동 채점 시스템 구현,2017,16,5,109-120,Kim An algorithm of identifying roaming pedestrians' trajectories using LiDAR sensor ;; LiDAR 센서를 활용한 배회 동선 검출 알고리즘 개발,2017,16,6,1-15,Jeong Analysis of commercial older drivers riskiness using transport workers management system ;; 운수종사자시스템을 활용한 사업용 고령운전자의 위험성 분석,2017,16,6,16-28,Hur An analysis of operational effects of adjacent double roundabouts ;; 쌍구형 회전교차로 도입에 따른 운영효과 연구,2017,16,6,42-52,Kim A dynamic signal metering algorithm development for vehicles and pedestrians at roundabouts ;; 차량 및 보행자를 고려한 회전교차로 감응식 신호미터링 알고리즘 개발,2017,16,6,53-66,Ahn Analysis on entry and exit behaviors at the weaving section of a continuous auxiliary lane: focused on clover-shaped interchanges ;; 연속 부가차로 엇갈림 구간 진출입 행태분석에 관한 연구 : 클로버형 입체교차로를 중심으로,2017,16,6,79-89,Ha GAP estimation on arterial road via vehicle labeling of drone image ;; 드론 영상의 차량 레이블링을 통한 간선도로 차간간격(GAP) 산정,2017,16,6,90-100,Bae Evaluation of freeway mobile work zone safety using driving simulations ;; 주행 시뮬레이션을 활용한 고속도로 이동공사 안전성평가,2017,16,6,124-140,Oh Study on the methodology for extracting information from SNS using a sentiment analysis ;; SNS 감성분석을 이용한 정보 추출 방법론에 관한 연구,2017,16,6,141-155,Yun Walking environment survey for development of specification on personal mobility (PM) device for elderly ;; 고령자용 개인교통수단 개발 사양 정의를 위한 보행환경 조사,2017,16,6,156-168,Kim A study on vehicle to road tracking methodology with consideration of vehicle lateral dynamics ;; 차량 횡방향 운동 방정식을 고려한 차대도로간 트래킹 기법,2017,16,6,219-230,Shin Analysis of the perception of autonomous vehicles using text mining technique ;; 텍스트 마이닝 기법을 활용한 자율주행자동차 인식분석연구,2017,16,6,231-243,I-Jeong Impacts of automated vehicles on traffic flow changes ;; 자율주행자동차 도입으로 인한 교통흐름 변화 분석,2017,16,6,244-257,Jung Analysis of remote driving simulation performance for low-speed mobile robot under V2N network delay environment,2022,21,3,18-29,Song Road sign function diversification strategy to respond to changes in the future traffic environment: focusing on citizens' usability of road signs,2022,21,3,30-41,Choi A study of walking activity time characteristics based on the time use survey,2022,21,3,53-61,Lee Development of longitudinal algorithm to improve speed control and inter-vehicle distance control acceptability,2022,21,3,73-82,Kim Application of deep learning-based object detection and distance estimation algorithms for driving to urban area,2022,21,3,83-95,Dept. of Electronics