Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author People who live in ivory towers shouldn't throw stones: a refutation of Curley et al,2020,2,,110-113,Kukucka An inconvenient truth: more rigorous and ecologically valid research is needed to properly understand cognitive bias in forensic decisions,2020,2,,107-109,Lages Is police investigation of rape biased by characteristics of victims?,2020,2,,98-106,Schei Choose your own murder: non-linear narratives enhance student understanding in forensic science education,2020,2,,82-85,Thompson Forensic epistemology: a need for research and pedagogy,2020,2,,51-59,Wilson The war on drugs forensic science and the death penalty in the Philippines,2020,2,,32-34,De Ungria Cemetery hoodoo: culture ritual crime and forensic archaeology,2020,2,,17-23,Moses The jurisdictional return on investment from processing the backlog of untested sexual assault kits,2019,1,,18-23,Speaker Who will kill again? The forensic value of 1st degree murder convictions,2019,1,,11-17,DeLisi Forensic sciences and the Philippines' war on drugs,2019,1,,288-289,De Ungria Asymmetric politics and forensic intelligence,2019,1,,283-284,Houck Homicide in Denmark 1992-2016,2019,1,,275-282,Hougen Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)-based analysis of untested sexual assault evidence in Palm Beach County Florida,2019,1,,253-270,Crouse A crisis for the future of forensic science: lessons from the UK of the importance of epistemology for funding research and development,2019,1,,243-252,Morgan The hidden costs of the opioid crisis and the implications for financial management in the public sector,2019,1,,227-238,Ropero-Miller Exploring a route to a selective and sensitive portable system for explosive detection- swab spray ionisation coupled to of high-field assisted waveform ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS),2019,1,,214-220,Bailey Forensic observations and recommendations on sexual and gender based violence in Kenya,2019,1,,185-203,Shako Forensic genealogy bioethics and the Golden State Killer case,2019,1,,114-125,Wickenheiser Achieving more with less: a critical review of protocols for forensic investigation of sexual violence in low-resource environments,2019,1,,108-113,Flowe Benchmarking forensic volume crime performance in Australia between 2011 and 2015,2019,1,,86-94,Vandenberg Tigers black swans and unicorns: the need for feedback and oversight,2019,1,,79-82,Houck Evaluation of L/D ratio in a water-related case for the differentiation between drowning and postmortem immersion,2019,1,,68-70,Liu Domestic homicide in Maputo Province Mozambique,2020,2,,157-161,Macucha To what extent if any has Twitter disrupted hierarchies in forensic pathology?,2020,2,,144-147,Obenson Data driven optimization of sexual assault case processing,2020,2,,164-172,Landry Multiple tier detection of TNT using curcumin functionalized silver nanoparticles,2020,2,,240-247,Biswas The impact of CoViD-19 on criminal investigations and proceedings in Sweden - a snapshot of practitioners' realities,2020,2,,325-332,Lidén The effect of contextual information on decision-making in forensic toxicology,2020,2,,339-348,Dror ASCLD statement on volume of untested sexual assault evidence kits,2020,2,,349-350,Nye Interpol review of fire investigation 2016-2019,2020,2,,368-381,Stauffer Interpol review of forensic firearm examination 2016-2019,2020,2,,389-403,Mattijssen Interpol review of toxicology 2016-2019,2020,2,,563-607,Dao Interpol review of controlled substances 2016-2019,2020,2,,608-669,Jones Interpol review of detection and characterization of explosives and explosives residues 2016-2019,2020,2,,670-700,Klapec Continued confusion about inconclusives and error rates: Reply to Weller and Morris,2020,2,,703-704,Scurich Author response: No need for throwing stones - Wherever you live…,2020,2,,705-707,Lages An integrated system for forensic DNA testing of sexual assault cases in the Philippines,2021,3,,e100133,De Ungria United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: recommended methods for the identification and analysis of synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists in seized materials,2021,3,,e100129,Crean Benzodiazepines reported in NFLIS-Drug 2015 to 2018,2021,3,,e100138,Grabenauer Overlapping measures or constructs? An empirical study of the overlap between self-control psychopathy Machiavellianism and narcissism,2021,3,,e100141,DeLisi Retraction of a peer reviewed article suggests ongoing problems with Australian forensic science,2021,3,,100208,Eriksson Driving under the influence of drugs: correlation between blood psychoactive drug concentrations and cognitive impairment. a narrative review taking into account forensic issues,2022,4,,e100224,Zoja Timoteo Mendieta Alcalá and the Pact of Forgetting: trauma analysis of execution victims from a Spanish Civil War mass burial site at Guadalajara Castilla la Mancha,2021,3,,e100156,Owens Trends in illicit drugs based on the analysis of seizures from the Tanzania mainland drugs market,2021,3,,e100209,Makangara Harnessing Thor's Hammer: experimentally induced lightning trauma to human bone by high impulse current,2021,3,,e100206,Bacci Utah sexual assault kit backlog - where we've been where we are now and how we got there,2021,3,Suppl 1,e100173,Lightfoot Statewide sexual assault kit tracking: from concept to implementation,2021,3,Suppl 1,e100183,Bowen Performing a sexual assault kit audit and implementing a kit tracking system without breaking the bank,2021,3,Suppl 1,e100190,Gamette Surveying practicing firearm examiners,2022,4,,e100228,Scurich Challenges to reasoning in forensic science decisions,2022,4,,e100200,Spellman Forensic comparison of fired cartridge cases: feature-extraction methods for feature-based calculation of likelihood ratios,2022,5,,e100272,Bolton-King Inconclusives errors and error rates in forensic firearms analysis: three statistical perspectives,2022,5,,e100273,Dorfman Crime script sequencing: an optimal forensic combination for cold case analysis,2022,5,,e100278,Keatley Contextual information in medicolegal death investigation decision-making: manner of death determination for cases of a single gunshot wound,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dror Human and machine similarity judgments in forensic firearm comparisons,2022,5,,e100283,Gonzalez Psychological contributions to cold case investigations: a systematic review,2022,5,,e100294,Scott The sentinel role of forensic toxicology laboratories to identify and act upon diverse drug threats by addressing toxicology and economic demands,2022,5,,e100292,Speaker Changes in drug availability patterns on Tanzanian mainland: the effects of the surge operations deterrent strategy,2022,5,,e100295,Makangara Interpol review of forensic firearm examination 2019-2022,2023,6,,e100305,Hermsen Interpol review of fire debris analysis and fire investigation 2019-2022,2023,6,,e100310,Evans Interpol review of the analysis and detection of explosives and explosives residues,2023,6,,e100298,Klapec Intimate partner homicides in Denmark 1992-2016,2023,6,,e100337,Hougen Bibliometric evaluation of Forensic Science International as a scholarly journal within the subject category legal medicine,2023,7,,e100438,Jones Adapting forensic case reporting to account for marginalization and vulnerability,2023,7,,e100436,Winburn Investigating the availability of 3D-printed firearm designs on the clear web,2023,7,,e100444,Gallusser Where are homicide victims disposed? A study of disposed homicide victims in Queensland,2024,8,,e100451,Franklin A structural vulnerability approach to older adult suicides: trends and potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Clark County NV (2017-2021),2024,8,,e100454,Gaddis Finding the here in where: Keatley's Winthropping in missing persons and no-body homicide cases,2024,8,,e100455,Keatley Mass fatality and disaster response preparedness across medical examiner and coroner offices in the United States,2024,8,,e100462,Ropero-Miller Improved likelihood ratios for face recognition in surveillance video by multimodal feature pairing,2024,8,,e100458,Geradts Forensic exploitation of patterned injuries: promoting structured analysis as an early assessment for comparison process,2024,8,,e100469,Grabherr Alcohol and drug presence in traffic crash fatalities before and after the COVID-19 pandemic: evaluation of the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and linked medical examiner-vital records data in Clackamas Multnomah and Washington County Oregon 2019-2021,2024,8,,e100468,Walters An overview of log likelihood ratio cost in forensic science - where is it used and what values can we expect?,2024,8,,e100466,Ramos The impacts of governing agency: a comparison of resources in the patchwork of medicolegal death investigation systems,2024,8,,e100467,Ropero-Miller The emergence of 3D-printed firearms: an analysis of media and law enforcement reports,2024,8,,e100464,Delémont Unpacking workplace stress and forensic expert decision-making: from theory to practice,2024,8,,e100473,Morgan