Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Sates of intoxication: risks and adverse effects focus on non-medical cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids,2016,17,2,61-70,Bonnet No higher suicide rates in open psychiatric hospitals,2017,18,1,8-9, Aspekte zur Entstehung und Entwicklung suizidalen Verhaltens bei Heroinabhängigen,2002,3,4,226-232,Briken Alcohol Use Disorders and Suicidality: A Narrative Review,2019,20,3,135-143,Preuss Suicidality in Patients with Substance Use Disorders-Experience Knowledge and Training Needs of Professionals from the Field of Addiction,2019,20,3,144-149,Schäfer Beyond the Gender Cage - Gender Aware Treatment in Male Substance Addiction,2021,22,2,65-71,Vosshagen