Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Biological and cognitive correlates of murder and attempted murder in the Italian regions,2013,54,1/2,26-48,Templer The eugenic and dysgenic effects of war,2019,60,1,e4,Lynn Race differences in depression and mania,2018,59,2,,Lynn It's a man's world: mate guarding and the evolution of patriarchy,2018,58,3,e2,Grant Running amok: spree killers viewed through the lens of evolutionary theory,2019,60,2,e3,King Public preferences and reality: crime rates among 70 immigrant groups in the Netherlands,2020,60,3,e3,Kirkegaard Prediction of hopelessness in a Western sample using scores on the Arabic Scale of Optimism and Pessimism,2020,61,1,56-66,Lester Intelligence wealth and acceptance of euthanasia and suicide,2019,60,1,9-24,Lynn Do the Dark Triad Traits Protect against Depression and Suicidal Ideation?,2022,62,3,522-533,Lester