Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Behavioural beliefs of Ghanaian radiographers and reporting of child physical abuse,2019,25,1,51-57,Reeves An evaluation of the effect that the implementation of the NICE rules may have on a diagnostic imaging department for the early management of head injuries,2007,13,1,4-12,Harvey Accident and emergency radiography: a comparison of radiographer commenting and 'red dotting',2007,13,1,65-71,Hardy Exploration of Ghanaian radiographers' reporting of suspected physical abuse amongst children,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Antwi Local diagnostic reference levels for skeletal surveys in suspected physical child abuse,2021,27,2,425-429,Peters Assessment of maxillary sinus fluid volume for postmortem diagnosis of drowning,2023,30,1,308-312,Ohno Workplace violence in medical radiation science: a systematic review,2024,30,2,440-447,Shah Radiographers' experiences and educational needs in relation to caring for suicidal patients during radiology examinations,2023,29,6,1011-1020,O'Connor