Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Psychiatric disorders associated with intimate partner violence and sexual violence in Thai women: a result from the Thai National Mental Health Survey,2018,31,2,e000008,Panyayong Non-suicidal self-injury in Shanghai inner bound middle school students,2019,32,4,e100083,Xiao Influence of intranasal oxytocin on fear consolidation in healthy humans,2019,32,6,e100131,Bui Rare case report of Van Gogh syndrome in a patient with paranoid schizophrenia,2020,33,1,e100095,Mudgal Bystanders' behaviours and associated factors in cyberbullying,2020,33,3,e100187,Panumaporn Pattern clinical and demographic profile of inpatient psychiatry referrals in a tertiary care teaching hospital: a descriptive study,2020,33,4,e100177,Mudgal Children emotional and behavioural problems and its association with maternal depression in Jimma town southwest Ethiopia,2020,33,4,ee100211,Alenko Need to establish a new adolescent suicide prevention programme in South Korea,2020,33,4,e100200,Liu Machine learning algorithms for suicide risk: a premature arms race?,2020,33,6,e100269,Lennon Marijuana use and repeated attempted suicide among senior high school students in Ghana: evidence from the WHO Global School-Based Student Health Survey 2012,2020,33,6,e100311,Yawson Suicide in Nigeria: observations from the content analysis of newspapers,2021,34,1,e100347,Kar Peripheral body temperature rhythm is associated with suicide risk in major depressive disorder: a case-control study,2021,34,1,e100219,Ma Rates and risk factors for suicidal ideation suicide attempts and suicide deaths in persons with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,34,2,e100247,Ssentongo Psychosis and Dandy-Walker syndrome: a case report and review of the literature,2021,34,2,e100254,GutiƩrrez-Rojas Depression suicidality and associated risk factors among police officers in urban Tanzania: a cross-sectional study,2021,34,3,e100448,Likindikoki Marijuana use and suicidal behaviours among school-going adolescents in Africa: assessments of prevalence and risk factors from the Global School-Based Student Health Survey,2021,34,4,e100558,Asante Discordance between family report and clinical assessment of suicide attempts: a prospective study from the emergency department,2021,34,6,e100576,Zhang Correction: Discordance between family report and clinical assessment of suicide attempts: a prospective study from the emergency department,2022,35,1,e100576corr1, Echoes of the past: prevalence and correlates of PTSD among formerly abducted youths in northern Uganda: findings from the WAYS study,2022,35,5,e100840,Amone-P'Olak Calibrating violence risk assessments for uncertainty,2023,36,2,e100921,Large The mediating role of sleep quality on the relationship between internet gaming disorder and perceived stress and suicidal behaviour among Indian medical students,2023,36,3,e100997,Garg Potential mechanisms of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in major depressive disorder: a systematic review,2023,36,4,e100946,Peng Development of the Life Gatekeeper suicide prevention training programme in China: a Delphi study,2023,36,5,e101133,Tong Suicide trends among patients with cancer in India over the past 24 years,2023,36,6,e101190,Shenoy Suicide self-injury and violence,2024,37,1,e101387,Yu Understanding the educational inequalities in suicide attempts and their mediators: a Mendelian randomisation study,2024,37,1,e101369,Wang Network analysis of suicide ideation and depression-anxiety symptoms among Chinese adolescents,2024,37,2,e101225,Li Mediating effect of resilience on the relationship between rumination and suicide attempts in Chinese adolescents with mood disorders [letter],2024,37,2,e101233,Zhang Deciding on life-saving treatment after a violent suicide attempt: an ethical case report,2024,37,2,e101409,van Veen Rapid-acting antidepressants targeting modulation of the glutamatergic system: clinical and preclinical evidence and mechanisms,2022,35,6,e100922,Huang Efficacy and sustainability of dialectical behaviour therapy for inpatient adolescents: A follow-up study,2021,34,4,,McGee Mental health in the post-COVID-19 era: Challenges and the way forward,2021,34,1,,Shoib Efficacy of repeated intravenous esketamine in adolescents with anxious versus non-anxious depression,2023,36,3,,Zhou