Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Successfully treated traumatic dislocation of a thoracic vertebra caused by minor trauma in a patient with neurofibromatosis Type I -- a case report and literature review,2018,5,4,77-81,Nakamura Catastrophic propeller brain injury with large scalp defect treated with omental flap,2023,10,,103-108,Sago Subarachnoid hemorrhage confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging in a patient with brain death owing to hypoxic encephalopathy following suicide by hanging,2024,11,,61-67,Ogasawara Ganglioneuroma of Glossopharyngeal Nerve in a Patient with Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia: A Case Report,2020,7,3,117-120,Chowdhury Defective Endothelialization of Pipeline Embolization Device after Flow Diverter Therapy: An Autopsy Case Report,2021,8,1,33-37,Oishi