Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Reducing unnecessary CT scan of the head for minor paediatric head injuries at the emergency department,2021,10,1,e973,Elmoheen Optimising the mandatory reporting process for drivers admitted to an inpatient stroke rehabilitation unit,2018,7,3,e000203,MacDonald Interprofessional education model for geriatric falls risk assessment and prevention,2018,7,4,e000417,Patton Implementing an integrated approach to self-management support in an acute major trauma therapy team: an improvement project,2019,8,3,e000415,Jones Checklist for Head Injury Management Evaluation Study (CHIMES): a quality improvement initiative to reduce imaging utilisation for head injuries in the emergency department,2020,9,1,e811,Masood Preventable adverse drug events causing hospitalisation: identifying root causes and developing a surveillance and learning system at an urban community hospital a cross-sectional observational study,2021,10,1,e1161,de Lemos Flip the Triangle: using quality improvement methods to embed a positive behaviour support approach on a medium secure forensic ward for men with intellectual disabilities,2021,10,4,,Parker Carbon monoxide: raising awareness of the silent killer in the emergency department,2022,11,2,e001777,Clarke Implementation of a chest injury pathway in the emergency department,2022,11,3,e001989,McDermott Improving incident reporting among physicians at South Health Campus Hospital,2022,11,4,e001945,Ngo Do we understand each other when we develop and implement hip fracture models of care? A systematic review with narrative synthesis,2023,12,Suppl 2,e002273,Ivers Development of a statistical analysis software for determining effectiveness of a comprehensive fall risk management protocol,2023,12,4,e002450,Attanayake Reducing violence and aggression: a quality improvement project for safety on an acute mental health ward,2023,12,4,e002448,Kernaghan SafeVRwards: designing a complementary virtual reality module to the Safewards framework intended to relax and manage conflict in mental health wards,2024,13,2,e002769,Smith Abuse in Canadian long-term care homes: a mixed methods study,2024,13,2,e002639,Baumann Introducing an innovative model of acute paediatric mental health and addictions care to paediatric emergency departments: a protocol for a multicentre prospective cohort study,2020,9,4,e001106,Newton Development of a survey to support assessment of safety learning systems,2024,13,2,e002738,Forster Developing a customised set of evidence-based quality indicators for measuring workplace violence towards healthcare workers: a modified Delphi method,2024,13,3,e002855,Schulz-Quach