Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Brain activation during memory retrieval is associated with depression severity in women,2021,307,,e111204,Silveri Neural correlates of top-down regulation and generation of negative affect in major depressive disorder,2018,276,,1-8,Gotlib Structural and functional alterations of the suicidal brain: an updated review of neuroimaging studies,2018,278,,77-91,Strauss Delayed hemodynamic responses associated with a history of suicide attempts in bipolar disorder: a multichannel near-infrared spectroscopy study,2018,280,,15-21,Shirakawa Regional grey matter volume reduction in adolescents engaging in non-suicidal self-injury,2018,280,,48-55,Resch Aggressiveness of martial artists correlates with reduced temporal pole grey matter concentration,2018,281,,24-30,Bogerts Alexithymia and reactive aggression: the role of the amygdala,2018,281,,85-91,Raine Does development moderate the effect of early life assaultive violence on resting-state networks? An exploratory study,2018,281,,69-77,Cisler Gray matter volumetric study of major depression and suicidal behavior,2018,283,,16-23,Mann EEG recording during an emotional face-matching task in children of mothers with interpersonal violence-related posttraumatic stress disorder,2018,283,,34-44,Schechter Preliminary development of a neuroimaging paradigm to examine neural correlates of relationship conflict,2019,283,,125-134,Back Posttraumatic stress disorder social anxiety disorder and childhood trauma: differences in hippocampal subfield volume,2018,284,,45-52,Seedat Amygdalar volume and violent ideation in a sample at clinical high-risk for psychosis,2019,287,,60-62,Appelbaum A preliminary study of cortical morphology in schizophrenia patients with a history of violence,2019,288,,29-36,Melle Adolescent suicide attempts and ideation are linked to brain function during peer interactions,2019,289,,1-9,Scott Functional connectivity of emotional well-being: overconnectivity between default 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