Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Varieties of moral orders and the dual structure of society: a perspective from positioning theory,2017,2,,,Van Langenhove "I wanted to feel like a man again": hegemonic masculinity in relation to the purchase of street-level sex,2017,2,,e15,Strega Badges and brothels: police officers' attitudes toward prostitution,2018,3,,e16,Jorgensen Analyzing zombie dystopia as neoliberal scenario: an exercise in emancipatory catastrophism,2018,3,,e20,Domingo The language of ethics and double standards in the affective and sexual socialization of youth. Communicative acts in the family environment as protective or risk factors of intimate partner violence,2018,3,,e19,Rios-González High mate value men become more accepting of intimate partner abuse when primed with gender equality,2018,3,,e28,Blake The influence of police related media victimization and satisfaction on African American college students' perceptions of police,2019,4,,e65,Franklin Benevolent and hostile sexism in social spheres: the impact of parents school and romance on Belgian adolescents' sexist attitudes,2019,4,,e47,Spruyt Two patient cases illustrating the importance of addressing physical and mental trauma as a cause of pain in refugee women,2020,5,,e12,Brodda Jansen Cyberbullying and empathy in the age of hyperconnection: an interdisciplinary approach,2020,5,,e551881,Morese Breaching trust: a qualitative study of healthcare experiences of people who use drugs in a rural setting,2020,5,,e593925,Friedman Cultivating health in martial arts and combat sports pedagogies: a theoretical framework on the care of the self,2021,6,,e601058,Pedrini Evaluating the representation and responsiveness of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) to diverse women populations worldwide,2019,4,,e41,Rincker Populism and protest,2020,5,,e619235,Hirschmann Populism is always gendered and dangerous,2020,5,,e625385,Mostov LGBTQs and LAW'S violence within a heteronormative landscape,2021,6,,e564028,Donnelly-Drummond Unwelcome immigrants: sources of opposition to different immigrant groups among Europeans,2019,4,,e24,Semyonov Racial bias in National Football League officiating,2020,5,,e48,Heintz Trans women and public restrooms: the legal discourse and its violence,2021,6,,e652777,Bagagli Child sexual abuse as lifespan trauma within the context of intimate partner violence: experiences of Caribbean women,2021,6,,623661,Jones Self-harm among school-going adolescent survivors of sexual violence victimisation: a cross-sectional study,2021,6,,605865,Quarshie Assumption of the myths of romantic love: its relationship with sex type of sex-affective relationship and sexual orientation,2021,6,,621646,Cubells-Serra Counseling techniques supporting West African children with adverse childhood experiences: a systematic review,2021,6,,573115,Clay Increased risk of death triggered by domestic violence hunger suicide exhausted health system during CoViD-19 pandemic: why how and solutions,2021,6,,648395,Aborode Prevalence and factors associated with suicidal ideation among children and adolescents attending a pediatric HIV clinic in Uganda,2021,6,,e656739,Nakimuli-Mpungu Necropolitics and diffuse violence: critical reflections on social discourses about the LGBT body,2021,6,,633975,Ribeiro Suicidal ideations and attempts among adolescents in Kampala urban settlements in Uganda: a case study of adolescents receiving care from the Uganda Youth Development Link,2021,6,,e646854,Kasirye Diagnosing norms surrounding sexual harassment at a Jordanian university,2021,6,,e667220,Clark "When it's a girl they have a chance to have sex with them. when it's a boy…they have been known to rape them": perceptions of United Nations peacekeeper-perpetrated sexual exploitation and abuse against women/girls versus men/boys in Haiti,2021,6,,e664294,Bartels Age is nothing but a number: Ben 10s Sugar Mummies and the South African gender order in the Daily Sun's Facebook page,2021,6,,e706132,Boshoff "Eventually I admitted 'I cannot do this alone'": exploring experiences of suicidality and help-seeking drivers among Australian men,2021,6,,e727069,Ogrodniczuk Promoting healthier masculinities as a suicide prevention intervention in a regional Australian community: a qualitative study of stakeholder perspectives,2021,6,,e1,Oliffe HIV vulnerability among survival sex workers through sexual violence and drug taking in a qualitative study from Victoria Canada with additional implications for pre-exposure prophylaxis for sex workers,2021,6,,e714208,Benner "Just throw it behind you and just keep going": emotional labor when ethnic minority healthcare staff encounter racism in healthcare,2021,6,,e741202,Thapar-Björkert "I don't teach violence I teach self-control"; the framing of mixed martial arts between mental health and well-being,2021,6,,e750027,Domaneschi Women's empowerment as it relates to attitudes towards and practice of female genital mutilation/cutting of daughters: an ecological analysis of demographic and health surveys from 12 African countries,2021,6,,e685329,Barros Is adolescent risk behavior associated with cross-household family complexity? An analysis of post-separation families in 42 countries,2022,7,,e802590,Steinbach Social capital as protection against the mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,7,,e728541,Engbersen Black Lives Matter and Mães de Maio: what unites us,2022,7,,e699616,Gregis Estivalet Challenges for Iranian women in daily urban safety,2022,7,,e790905,Hamedanian Not in their right mind? Right-wing extremism is not a mental illness but still a challenge for psychiatry,2022,7,,e830966,Brook "Imagine 7 years without a future": a qualitative study of rejected asylum seekers' life conditions in Norway,2022,7,,e813994,Varvin #Lorrydeaths: structural topic modeling of Twitter users' attitudes about the deaths of 39 Vietnamese migrants to the United Kingdom,2022,7,,e787450,Steele Intimate partner violence experienced by women living with-and without-disability in the European Union: a quantitative intersectional analysis,2022,7,,e948811,Rodriguez Martinez Organized violence as a never-ending story? Reflections in light of the Russian aggression against Ukraine,2022,7,,e952209,Pries How social norms contribute to physical violence among ever-partnered women in Uganda: a qualitative study,2022,7,,e867024,Bukuluki Emotional constraint father-son relationships and men's wellbeing,2022,7,,e868005,Cleary Editorial: Cities violence and gender: findings and concepts of the 21st century,2022,7,,e1009483,Gregis Estivalet The squeaky wheel gets the grease: violent civil unrest and global social assistance provision,2022,7,,e891267,Çemen Exploring Jordanian women's resistance strategies to domestic violence: a scoping review,2022,7,,e1026408,Alsawalqa "Even more than that men love cars": "car guy" memes and hegemonic masculinity,2022,7,,e1034669,Dundes Editorial: Men mental health and suicide,2022,7,,e1123319,Cleary The gender dimensions of sexual violence against migrant domestic workers in post-2019 Lebanon,2022,7,,e1091957,Diab Filio-parental violence analyzed through the Spanish press (2010-2020). Child-to-parent violence: a case of family violence,2023,8,,e985173,Pellerone Intimate partner sexual violence during pregnancy and its associated factors in Northwest Ethiopian women,2023,8,,e797098,Azene Cultural collectivism intimate partner violence and women's mental health: an analysis of data from 151 countries,2023,8,,e1125771,Rajkumar The association between nation-level social and economic indices and suicide rates: a pilot study,2023,8,,e1123284,Rajkumar Domestic violence victimization among Chinese women and its relevance to their economic power,2023,8,,e1178673,Wang Use of immigration status for coercive control in domestic violence protection orders,2023,8,,e1146102,Rowhani-Rahbar Symbolism of the US battlefield cross: how boots rifles and helmets reinforce masculinity,2023,8,,e1148204,Dundes Risk factors for intimate partner emotional violence among women in union in Uganda,2023,8,,e840154,Wandera Editorial: Hopelessness and suicide among children and adolescents in low and middle income countries,2023,8,,e1215073,Mugisha Trans(gender) journeys: rights and the (non-)recognition of "human",2023,8,,e1172471,Nogueira Health seeking behavior of street connected children in Addis Ababa Ethiopia,2023,8,,e1188746,Tadele Differences in help-seeking tendency in intimate partner violence between Jewish and Arab women in Israel,2023,8,,e1229924,Ne'eman-Haviv Psychological risks experienced by interpreters in the domestic violence cases: a systematic review,2023,8,,e1139431,Muurlink Conflict and crime. Restorative justice in Italy,2023,8,,e1175291,Palermo Bored and spoiling for a flight: capabilities lost and found in lockdown,2023,8,,e1215027,Sommer Pornography. The politics of legal changes. An opinion article,2023,8,,e1250012,Hydén Labor trafficking in marijuana production: a hidden epidemic in the shadows of the cannabis industry,2023,8,,e1244579,Stoklosa "Older people are weak": perceptions and meanings of ageing and abuse against older people,2023,8,,e1329005,Fraga Legal violence: the struggles of Thai women in Thai massage businesses,2024,9,,e1208465,Kantachote Police discrimination and police distrust among ethnic minority adolescents in Germany,2024,9,,e1231774,Kogan Institutional suicide as anomie: decedents speak out for work-related suicides through a Durkheimian exploration of suicide notes in a context without institutional responsibilization for suicide prevention,2024,9,,e1309119,Ozbilgin A dataset without a code book: ethnography and open science,2024,9,,e1308029,Hirsch Interrogating global narratives of trans queerness. Well-being and agency? Or more stories of trans trauma?,2024,9,,e1343117,Vicars Robotic misinformation in dementia care: emotions as sense-making resources in residents' encounters with robot animals,2024,9,,e1354978,Iversen The metaverse of violence,2024,9,,e1147627,Pascali Physician-Assisted Suicide in Dementia: Paradoxes Pitfalls and the Need for Prudence,2021,6,,,Rajkumar Troubling Neurobiological Vulnerability: Psychiatric Risk and the Adverse Milieu in Environmental Epigenetics Research,2021,6,,,Lloyd Italian Legal Euthanasia: Unconstitutionality of the Referendum and Analysis of the "Italian" Problem,2022,7,,,Dell'Erba Cultural Representations of Borderline Personality Disorder,2022,7,,e832497,Janney Collective memories and social roles: the case of the Paris terrorist attacks of 13 November 2015,2024,9,,e1388380,Eustache Students' perspectives on racism and anti-racism in physical education: a systematic review,2024,9,,e1374277,Vogt "Dressed like boys hair trimmed a nalla kutti otherwise": construction of queer suicide in Indian online news media,2024,9,,e1370517,Jetubhai How does the media contribute to the rise of hate crimes against foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong? An unfair problem frame and agenda setting,2024,9,,e1374329,Chen Do black women's lives matter? A study of the hidden impact of the barriers to access maternal healthcare for migrant women in South Africa,2024,9,,e983148,Jaiswal Protective factors for the risk of suffering intimate partner violence in help-seeking women survivors from a social organization in Chile,2024,9,,e1419182,Benjumeda Wynhoven Hate crime and epistemic vulnerability: on sense-making and feelings of (un)safety among Danish Muslims,2024,9,,e1347803,Flyvholm Israel's civil society 2023 from protest to aid provision - a serving elite perspective,2024,9,,e1417687,Gidron