Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Social capital and cognitive decline in the aftermath of a natural disaster: a natural experiment from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami,2017,1,3,e105-e113,Subramanian Natural environments and suicide mortality in the Netherlands: a cross-sectional ecological study,2018,2,3,e134-e139,O'Connor Natural environments and suicide,2018,2,3,e109-e110,Gunnell Displacement and mental health after natural disasters,2017,1,8,e314,Taioli Social capital and cognitive decline after a natural disaster - Authors' reply,2017,1,6,e219,Subramanian Social capital and cognitive decline after a natural disaster (Letter),2017,1,6,e218,Tanimoto Heartaches over housing: correlating cardiovascular disease rates and housing damage in the aftermath of the Canterbury earthquakes,2017,1,6,e214-e215,Phibbs Mitigation of disasters through community cohesion,2017,1,3,e86-e87,Brayne Increasing risk over time of weather-related hazards to the European population: a data-driven prognostic study,2017,1,5,e200-e208,Forzieri Electric scooters: batteries in the battle against ambient air pollution?,2017,1,5,e168-e169,van Boven Suicide and the natural environment: an Indigenous view,2018,2,8,e325-e326,Wu Understanding excess mortality from not-so-natural disasters,2018,2,11,e471-e472,Hammer Differential and persistent risk of excess mortality from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico: a time-series analysis,2018,2,11,e478-e488,Santos-Burgoa Traumatic amputations caused by drone attacks in the local population in Gaza: a retrospective cross-sectional study,2019,3,1,e40-e47,Heszlein-Lossius Suicide mortality and natural environments - Authors' reply,2019,3,1,e16,O'Connor Suicide mortality and natural environments,2019,3,1,e15,Mátyás Improved social services and the burden of post-traumatic stress disorder among economically vulnerable people after a natural disaster: a modelling study,2019,3,2,e93-e101,Galea Violence and mortality in the Northern Rakhine State of Myanmar 2017: results of a quantitative survey of surviving community leaders in Bangladesh,2019,3,3,e144-e153,Venters Violence and mortality in Rohingya migrants from the Northern Rakhine State Myanmar,2019,3,3,e107-e108,Birch The global macroeconomic burden of road injuries: estimates and projections for 166 countries,2019,3,9,e390-e398,Bloom Effects of greenspace morphology on mortality at the neighbourhood level: a cross-sectional ecological study,2019,3,11,e460-e468,Tassinary A global analysis of urban design types and road transport injury: an image processing study,2020,4,1,e32-e42,Silver The burden of disease in Saudi Arabia 1990-2017: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017,2020,4,5,e195-e208, Heat-related mortality: an urgent need to recognise and record,2020,4,5,e171,Gruen Forward planning for disaster-related mass gatherings amid COVID-19,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Memish The role of violence in planetary health,2021,5,3,e113-e114,Correa-Salazar Interpersonal violence associated with hot weather,2021,5,9,e571-e572,Guo Smoke health costs and the calculus for wildfires fuel management: a modelling study,2021,5,9,e608-e619,Bowman Associations between exposure to landscape fire smoke and child mortality in low-income and middle-income countries: a matched case-control study,2021,5,9,e588-e598,Kelly The effect of deforestation and climate change on all-cause mortality and unsafe work conditions due to heat exposure in Berau Indonesia: a modelling study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ebi Urban landscape and street-design factors associated with road-traffic mortality in Latin America between 2010 and 2016 (SALURBAL): an ecological study,2022,6,2,e122-e131,Miranda Climate change and mental health research methods gaps and priorities: a scoping review,2022,6,3,e281-e291,Compton Extreme events and gender-based violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ovenden Extreme events and gender-based violence: a mixed-methods systematic review,2022,6,6,e504-e523,Keygnaert Small-area assessment of temperature-related mortality risks in England and Wales: a case time series analysis,2022,6,7,e557-e564,Gasparrini Temperature impacts on hate speech online: evidence from 4 billion geolocated tweets from the USA,2022,6,9,e714-e725,Stechemesser Disaster diplomacy in the wake of the 2022 Pakistan floods,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wyns Key concepts to consider when promoting active transportation,2023,7,5,e356,Muukkonen Associations between landscape fires and child morbidity in southern Mozambique: a time-series study,2024,8,1,e41-e50,Tonne Exploring context-specific perspectives: a qualitative study on building climate resilience health-care facilities in southeast Asia,2024,8,Suppl 1,S6,Gan Heat literacy and adaptation among semi-rural community in Malaysia,2024,8 Suppl 1,,S8,Su Drowning and disasters: climate change priorities,2024,8,6,e345-e346,Meddings Ambient temperature and mental health: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,7,7,e580-e589,Darzi Confronting heat-related illnesses and deaths at mass gathering religious and sporting events,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Memish Effects of global change on snakebite envenoming incidence up to 2050: a modelling assessment,2024,8,8,e533-e544,Lalloo The association of adverse birth outcomes with flood exposure before and during pregnancy in Australia: a cohort study,2024,8,8,e554-e563,Guo Seasons of smoke and fire: preparing health systems for improved performance before during and after wildfires,2024,8,8,e588-e602,Ranse