Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Measuring domestic violence: context is everything,2017,1,1,33-44,Myhill Identifying the key components of a 'whole family' intervention for families experiencing domestic violence and abuse,2017,1,1,99-115,Stanley An exploratory study on the beliefs about gender-based violence held by incoming undergraduates in England,2017,1,2,147-167,Jones A campus LGBTQ community's sexual violence and stalking experiences: the contribution of pro-abuse peer support,2017,1,2,169-185,Nolan Bystander intervention from the victims' perspective: experiences impacts and justice needs of street harassment victims,2017,1,2,187-204,Fileborn Sexual harassment of women politicians in Japan,2017,1,2,205-219,Dalton Towards gender awareness in couple therapy and in treatment of intimate partner violence,2017,1,2,221-234,Holma Sexual victimisation of transgender people in the Netherlands: prevalence risk factors and health consequences,2017,1,2,235-252,de Haas Sexual re-victimisation of adolescent girls in institutional care with a history of sexual violence in childhood: empirical results and conclusions for prevention,2018,2,1,9-24,Kindler Vulnerable bodily integrity: under-recognised sexual violence among girls in residential care institutions,2018,2,1,25-40,Parkkila Reframing agency in abusive contexts: beyond 'free choice' and 'open resistance',2018,2,1,41-56,Mirza Cuckoos and recovery: an exploration of responsibility within UK domestic abuse awareness group programmes,2018,2,1,57-73,Dix The help-seeking process among women victims of partner violence in Italy,2018,2,1,75-92,Romito 'Home game': domestic abuse and football,2018,2,1,93-108,Lombard Gender-based violence in EU sport policy: overview and recommendations,2018,2,1,109-118,Lang 'Do I score points if I say "no"?' Negotiating sexual boundaries in a changing normative landscape,2018,2,2,277-291,Cense Interpersonal violence and abuse in young people's relationships in five European countries: online and offline normalisation of heteronormativity,2018,2,2,293-310,Stanley Young people partner abuse and sexual health: indicators of increased risk,2018,2,2,311-338,Copas Using restorative justice approaches to police domestic violence and abuse,2018,2,2,339-358,McGlynn The effect of behavioural specificity of survey items on survey respondents' disclosure of sexual victimisation,2018,2,2,351-371,de Haas The inclusion of men in domestic violence shelters: an everlasting debate,2018,2,2,373-391,Damant 'Stop asking me 'what about men?',2018,2,2,391-395,Eaton Justice for victims of sexual abuse and harassment: lessons for Westminster?,2018,2,2,397-402,Bates Abused women's perceptions of professionals' responses: valued support or collusion with perpetrator?,2018,2,3,411-427,Neale Tackling domestic abuse locally: paradigms ideologies and the political tensions of multi-agency working,2018,2,3,429-446,Davies The contradictory possibilities of engaging men and boys in the prevention of men's violence against women in the UK,2018,2,3,447-464,Burrell Measuring violence mainstreaming gender: does adding harm make a difference?,2018,2,3,465-479,Hjemdal Poverty and domestic violence and abuse (DVA) in the UK,2018,2,3,481-501,Williamson Family violence risk migration status and 'vulnerability': hearing the voices of immigrant women,2018,2,3,503-518,Segrave Misogyny online: extending the boundaries of hate crime,2018,2,3,519-536,Rowe Women Like That: a poetic exploration into the complexities of intimate partner abuse,2018,2,3,537-546,Walker Street networks pedestrian movement patterns and sexual harassment,2019,3,1,7-28,Mohamed Gender sexual danger and the everyday management of risks: the social control of young females,2019,3,1,29-44,Roberts Islamophobic violence as a form of gender-based violence: a qualitative study with Muslim women n Canada,2019,3,1,45-66,Ahmad Barbed affect: Bangladeshi child brides in India negotiate borders and citizenship,2019,3,1,67-82,Mehta An analysis of a high-profile rape trial: the case of UK footballer Ched Evans,2019,3,1,83-100,Royal 'All I wanted was a happy life': the struggles of women with learning disabilities to raise their children while also experiencing domestic violence,2019,3,1,101-118,McCarthy An easy access freedom programme: a new initiative in the provision of DVA services for women with learning disabilities,2019,3,1,119-128,Cavalier 'Forget TV it will never show you the experience of the victim': representations of rape in Mindhunter,2019,3,1,129-141,Beddows Redress rights and responsibilities: comparing European intervention systems,2019,3,2,151-165,Hagemann-White Responding to complexity: improving service provision for survivors of domestic abuse with 'complex needs',2019,3,2,167-184,Harris Voluntary work: an appropriate approach to improve the practical response and care of older victims of domestic violence?,2019,3,2,185-198,Dackweiler The use of help seeking and coping strategies among Bosnian women in domestic violence shelters,2019,3,2,199-214,Muftić The challenges of developing and implementing a bystander intervention for the prevention of domestic violence and abuse in UK communities,2019,3,2,215-231,Jones Women on the move: administrative data as a safe way to research hidden domestic violence journeys,2019,3,2,233-248,Bowstead Reflections on the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (England and Wales),2019,3,2,249-257,Duggan 'It's a work in progress': men's accounts of gender and change in their use of coercive control,2019,3,3,267-282,Kelly 'It was do or die': how women's offending can occur as a by-product of attempting to survive domestic abuse,2019,3,3,283-302,Roberts Between experience and social 'norms' identification and compliance: economic and sexual intimate partner violence against women in Lithuania,2019,3,3,303-321,Jankauskaite "I didn't think this service was for people like us": improving service response to BME survivors of sexual violence,2019,3,3,339-354,Cancoro de Matos 'It's about gender equality and all that stuff…': enacting policies on gender-based violence into everyday preventive work in rural Sweden,2019,3,3,355-371,Nyhlén Implementation of the new Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence in Serbia: paradigm shift and system problems,2019,3,3,373-384,Ignjatovic Coping with sexual harassment: the experience of young working women in Italy,2020,4,1,25-40,Romito Sexual harassment at a Spanish public university: an examination of victims' experiences by gender and campus status,2020,4,1,41-58,Bosch-Fiol The whole place self: reflecting on the original working practices of rape crisis,2020,4,1,59-72,Vera-Gray Exploring the experiences of domestic abuse survivors working in the field of domestic abuse support: assisting recovery or re-victimisation revisited?,2020,4,1,73-87,Gilbert The role of family coercion culture expert witnesses and best practice in securing forced marriage convictions,2020,4,1,89-105,Gill Unwanted sex with third parties in domestic abuse relationships and its impact on help-seeking and justice,2020,4,1,107-121,Matolcsi Does online counselling provide better access to victim services? Insights and reflections from a Swiss pilot evaluation,2020,4,1,123-131,Gloor Heroes and others: tensions and challenges in implementing mentors in violence prevention in Swedish schools,2020,4,2,141-155,Bruno Protecting women with multiple and complex needs from gendered violence: impediments to obtaining and maintaining safe and secure accommodation in a European context,2020,4,2,157-171,Williams Female survivors' experiences of authorities' actions in cases of partner stalking,2020,4,2,173-189,Holma Intimate partner violence within Australian Defence Force families: an exploratory study,2020,4,2,191-205,Ferguson Using Connell's masculinity theory to understand the way in which ex-gang-involved men coped with childhood domestic violence,2020,4,2,207-221,Levell Beyond the power and control wheel: how abusive men manipulate mobile phone technologies to facilitate coercive control,2020,4,2,223-239,Havard Interviewer effects on the reporting of intimate partner violence in the 2015 Zimbabwe Demographic and Heath Survey,2020,4,2,241-258,Stephenson From past to present: children's exposure of intimate partner violence and subsequent experience of IPV in adulthood among women,2020,4,2,259-278,Chernyak The case processing of intimate partner sexual assault: a brief review and recommendations for future research,2020,4,2,279-288,O'Neal Domestic violence and abuse coronavirus and the media narrative,2020,4,2,289-294,Williamson Reframing agency in abusive contexts: beyond 'free choice' and 'open resistance' [Correction],2020,4,2,295,Mirza Digital intrusions: technology spatiality and violence against women,2020,4,3,325-341,Vitis Street harassment and social control of young Muslim women in Brussels: destabilising the public/private binary,2020,4,3,343-358,De Backer 'Risk of sexual violence against women and girls' in the construction of 'gender-neutral toilets': a discourse analysis of comments on YouTube videos,2020,4,3,359-376,Coyle The culturalisation of 'honour'-based violence and its impact on service provision in rural communities,2020,4,3,377-391,Walker Contemporary feminist imaginings of the refuge-space: implications for Black and 'minority ethnic' migrant survivors in the UK,2020,4,3,393-409,Bridge Structural monitoring of selected national legislation of Turkey on gender-based violence against women,2020,4,3,411-420,Yüksel-Kaptanoglu Sexual violence and COVID-19: all silent on the home front,2020,4,3,421-429,Taylor Understanding the economics of abuse: an assessment of the economic abuse definition within the Domestic Abuse Bill,2021,5,1,163-173,Sharp-Jeffs Gender-based violence: a five-country cross-sectional survey of health and social care students' experience knowledge and confidence in dealing with the issue,2021,5,1,129-147,Hegarty Towards a politics of uncertainty: difficulties of naming the relationship between gender and violence,2021,5,1,95-109,Carbin Women as perpetrators of intimate partner violence in Ghana,2021,5,1,75-94,Tenkorang Before the killing: intimate partner homicides in a process perspective Part I,2021,5,1,59-74,Krantz Cultural change leadership: visioning a new social imaginary in El Salvador to prevent violence against women,2021,5,1,43-58,Thompson 'I was fully consenting': sexual violence voiced by an adolescent girl,2021,5,1,7-21,Louhela Youth intimate partner violence: barriers and bridges during the ending process,2021,5,2,183-197,Korkmaz De/gendering violence and racialising blame in Swedish child welfare: what has childhood got to do with it?,2021,5,2,199-214,Eriksson Inter-sibling violence as a mechanism of hegemony: retrospective accounts from a non-binary and LGBTQ+ sample in the United States,2021,5,2,215-229,McDonald Hospital responses to staff who have experienced domestic and family violence: a qualitative study with survivor staff and hospital managers,2021,5,2,231-247,Hegarty 'A life barely half lived': domestic abuse and sexual violence practitioners' experiences and perceptions of providing care to survivors of non-physical abuse within intimate partner relationships,2021,5,2,249-269,Halliwell Gender and domestic abuse victimisation among churchgoers in north west England: breaking the church's gendered silence,2021,5,2,271-288,Aune Legal change and legal inertia: understanding and contextualising Scottish cases in which women kill their abusers,2021,5,2,289-306,McPherson Violence against women in India: an integrative review,2021,5,2,307-329,Kumar Preventing intimate partner violence: a formative evaluation of an intervention programme serving immigrants refugees and visible minority men,2021,5,2,331-347,Wong Knowledge translation activity of a domestic violence research network: a scoping survey,2021,5,2,349-362,Hegarty Corrigendum: Out of place: women's experiences of policing in protest spaces,2021,5,2,363,Jackson Digital technologies and gender-based violence ‐ mechanisms for oppression activism and recovery [editorial],2021,5,3,367-375,Barter Digital media and domestic violence in Australia: essential contexts,2021,5,3,377-393,Dragiewicz The significance of technology as both a resource in enhancing safety and a means of perpetrating violence: the implications for policy and practice,2021,5,3,413-429,Breckenridge 'I feel like we're really behind the game': perspectives of the United Kingdom's intimate partner violence support sector on the rise of technology-facilitated abuse,2021,5,3,431-450,Tanczer Generic personal safety applications: empowering victims of domestic violence and abuse? A practitioner lens,2021,5,3,451-466,Turgoose Teenagers' access to digital technologies and refuge life: balancing safety risk and protectionism,2021,5,3,467-481,Stanley The continuum of symbolic violence: how sexting education neglects image-based sexual abuse dismisses perpetrators' responsibility and violates rights to sexual autonomy,2021,5,3,483-498,Zauner A problem solved is a problem created: the opportunities and challenges associated with an online domestic violence perpetrator programme,2021,5,3,499-515,Westmarland Digital technologies and the violent surveillance of nonbinary gender,2021,5,3,517-529,Shelton Tech-facilitated violence: thinking structurally and intersectionally,2021,5,3,531-542,Bailey Listen to me: a reflection on practice in qualitative interviewing,2017,1,2,253-259,Abrahams Measuring violence to end violence: mainstreaming gender,2017,1,1,11-31,Walby Segmented journeys fragmented lives: women's forced migration to escape domestic violence,2017,1,1,45-60,Bowstead 'The edge to him was really really nasty': abusive tactics used against informal supporters of domestic violence survivors,2017,1,1,61-77,Gregory In search of justice and care: how women survivors of violence navigate the Indian criminal justice system,2017,1,1,79-97,Dave Prostitution in (and out of) policy on violence against women and girls in the UK,2017,1,1,117-126,Coy Understanding the rise of sexual violence in India,2022,6,1,9-27,Nainar A feminist-intersectional analysis of sexual violence experienced by Nigerian women who are living in England,2022,6,1,29-43,Chantler Catalysts and rationales for reporting staff sexual misconduct to UK higher education institutions,2022,6,1,45-60,Bull Describing youth as actionists for peer sexual violence prevention: correlates of opportunity to act,2022,6,1,61-78,Jones State compensation as rape justice: are public attitudes a legitimate foundation for reform of the UK's Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme?,2022,6,1,79-97,Willmott Gender- and power sensitivity securitisation and social peace: rethinking protection for children exposed to post-separation violence,2022,6,1,99-114,Nikupeteri 'I was punished for telling the truth': how allegations of parental alienation are used to silence sideline and disempower survivors of domestic abuse in family law proceedings,2022,6,1,115-131,Choudhry Violence against women in West Bengal: its extent and causes,2022,6,1,149-171,Biswas Drawing upon the evidence to develop a multiagency risk assessment and risk management framework for domestic violence,2022,6,1,173-208,Hegarty The lived experiences of Turkish men's engagement in domestic violence interventions in England,2022,6,1,209-226,Turhan On masculinities: navigating the tension between individual and structural considerations,2022,6,1,227-234,Levell Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on reporting of rape serious sexual offences and domestic abuse in one English police force,2022,6,2,242-260,Spence Partner's violence during the COVID-19 lockdown and women's fear: a study involving anti-violence centres in Italy,2022,6,2,278-296,Romito When staying home isn't safe: Australian practitioner experiences of responding to intimate partner violence during COVID-19 restrictions,2022,6,2,297-314,Fitz-Gibbon 'The disparity is evident': COVID-19 violence against women and support for Black and minoritised survivors,2022,6,2,315-330,Thiara 'We have tried to remain warm despite the rules.' Domestic violence and COVID-19: implications for shelters' policies and practices,2022,6,2,331-347,Lapierre An intersectional analysis of domestic abuse perpetrator service adaptation during COVID-19: findings from the UK Cyprus Greece Italy Romania,2022,6,2,348-363,Cole Problem framing of increased gender-based violence by national governments of Argentina and Spain during COVID-19: an interpretive policy analysis,2022,6,2,364-382,Cremers The role of NGO administrative data in understanding the impact of COVID-19 on survivors of domestic abuse,2022,6,2,383-392,Smith The use of technology to support children and young people experiencing domestic violence and abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic: a failure modes and effects analysis,2022,6,2,393-405,Taylor Experience of specialist DVA provision under COVID-19: listening to service user voices to shape future practice,2022,6,3,409-425,Chantler A toxic mix: the impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures on the post-separation experiences of domestic abuse survivors,2022,6,3,426-441,Burman Policing a pandemic: changes in police response to intimate partner violence (IPV) during the first lockdown in England,2022,6,3,442-463,Trafford Gender-based violence and its determinants during the COVID-19 lockdown in a low-income country: a cross-sectional survey,2022,6,3,464-482,Forry 'You can't go home because you are at home': critical reflections on capturing and reflecting the trauma of domestic violence work during COVID-19,2022,6,3,483-491,Atakav Addressing intimate-partner violence during COVID-19 in the EU: challenges responses and areas of improvement,2022,6,3,492-500,Esposito The killing and thereafter: intimate partner homicides in a process perspective part II,2022,6,3,501-517,Krantz Inside the black box: domestic homicide reviews as a source of data,2022,6,3,518-534,Rowlands Beyond intimate partner relationships: utilising domestic homicide reviews to prevent adult family domestic homicide,2022,6,3,535-550,Chantler 'You don't hear about girls sending unwanted photos there must be a willy waiver!' Young women's use of humour as safety work when receiving unsolicited dick pics,2022,6,3,551-566,Meehan Speaking out 'speaking in' and safety work in the digital sphere: understanding online disclosures in the aftermath of sexual violence,2022,6,3,567-580,O'Neill Betrayed by my body: survivor experiences of sexual arousal and psychological pleasure during sexual violence,2022,6,3,581-595,Salter Redefining domestic violence in France as a violation of human rights: coercive control,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lavédrine Progress across ecological systems countering intergenerational transmission of intimate partner violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Buchanan Prevention of sexual violence and domestic abuse through a university bystander intervention programme: learning from a UK feasibility study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chantler 'In a very few years we stepped several miles': how eliminating gender-based violence became (and remained) public policy in Norway,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beavis