Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Self-awareness after brain injury: relation with emotion recognition and effects of treatment,2017,18,1,130-137,Spikman Labelling facial affect in context in adults with and without TBI,2017,18,1,49-61,Mutlu Comparing post-concussion symptom reporting between adults with and without a TBI history within an adult male correctional facility,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shepherd Working memory for emotions in adolescents and young adults with traumatic brain injury,2022,22,3,296-310,Turkstra Intact moral decision-making in adults with moderate-severe traumatic brain injury,2023,24,3,568-585,Duff A cross-sectional study examining Nigerian footballers' knowledge and attitudes towards sport-related concussion and associated contextual factors,2023,24,2,424-440,Rashid A cross-sectional study examining Nigerian footballers' knowledge and attitudes towards sport-related concussion and associated contextual factors - CORRIGENDUM,2023,24,2,e441,Rashid Behaviour support for people with acquired brain injury within the National Disability Insurance Scheme: an Australian survey of the provider market,2023,24,3,474-488,Sloan A 'network of understanding and compassion': a qualitative study of survivor perspectives on unmet needs after traumatic brain injury (TBI) in regional communities,2023,24,1,27-38,Sullivan Examining the interdisciplinary approach for treatment of persistent post-concussion symptoms in adults: a systematic review,2023,24,2,290-308,Islam Frequency and extent of cognitive complaint following adult civilian mild traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,24,2,309-332,Anderson Measuring what matters: a descriptive participatory case evaluation of a tool for measuring outcomes of assistive technology after acquired brain injury,2023,24,2,137-147,Layton 'Yes I've got the job but my challenge is keeping the job': an evaluation of a new pathway to open employment to meet the needs of people with acquired brain injury in Australia,2023,24,2,395-411,Callaway The effect of self-reported balance confidence on community integration after brain injury: an observational study,2023,24,3,601-610,Tucker Sports fans wagering and concussion knowledge: implications for injury nondisclosure,2023,24,1,103-113,Sullivan The association between self-reported traumatic brain injury neuropsychological function and compliance among people serving community sentences,2023,24,1,69-85,Polaschek Measuring pragmatic competence of discourse output among Chinese-speaking individuals with traumatic brain injury,2023,24,3,660-678,Lau Co-designing for behavioural change: understanding barriers and enablers to addressing sexuality after traumatic brain injury and mapping intervention strategies in a multi-disciplinary rehabilitation unit,2024,25,,IB23068,Ponsford The many faces of stigma after acquired brain injury: a systematic review,2024,25,,IB23076,Salas Heads Together Online Peer Education (HOPE): co-design of a family-led video-based resource for families affected by paediatric acquired brain injury,2024,25,,IB23101,Heine Neuropsychological intervention in a case of Korsakoff's amnesia,2011,12,3,231-238,Monteiro Evidence-based intervention strategies for veterans and military personnel with traumatic brain injury and co-morbid mental health conditions: A systematic review,2013,14,1,42-50,Brenner Suicidal ideation and behaviours after traumatic brain injury: A systematic review,2013,14,1,92-112,Brenner A comparison of public views about sports concussion recovery with current guidelines: where are the gaps and overlaps?,2024,25,,IB23122,Sullivan Identifying trends of dysautonomia signs and symptoms associated with protracted concussion recovery during the Buffalo Concussion Treadmill Test: a retrospective study,2022,25,,IB22030,Ziaks