Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Fleeing domestic violence from a "safe" country?: refugee determination for Mexican asylum-seekers in Canada,2016,32,3,e40373,Bhuyan Challenges and progress in ensuring the right to be heard and the best interests of children seeking international protection,2016,32,3,e40341,Kanics Should we presume state protection?,2016,32,3,e40407,Macklin "The most brutal immigration regime in the developed world": international media responses to Australia's asylum-seeker policy,2016,32,3,e40323,Lenette U.S. leadership and the international refugee regime,2017,33,1,e40445,Ferris Finding space for protection: an inside account of the evolution of UNHCR's urban refugee policy,2017,33,1,e40451,Crisp