Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Domestic violence in Chinese families: cold violence by men towards women,2016,17,4,1-15,McLaren Prosecuting violence against women in South African courts: a reflection of the legal culture from an afrocentric perspective,2019,20,7,90-101,Mogale Public feminism female shame and sexual violence in modern Egypt,2019,20,7,113-128,Zakarriya Not accepting abuse as the norm: local forms of institutional reform to improve reporting on domestic violence in Punjab,2019,20,7,129-153,Tanwir The co-existence of laws regarding domestic violence case settlement: Rote Island East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia,2019,20,7,165-179,Lestarini Performance of controlling rape in India: efficiency estimates across states,2019,20,7,180-204,Maity Addressing violence against women from critical feminist perspectives: challenging the politicization of violence against women,2019,20,7,205-218,Hunnicutt Conceptualisation of honour codes amongst Turkish-Kurdish mothers and daughters living in London,2019,20,7,219-236,Tas-Cifci Gender-based violence and its associated effects on female students: the case of Gozamin and Nigus T/Haimanot secondary schools in the East Gojjam Administrative Zone Ethiopia,2019,20,7,237-246,Desalegne Gender inequality identified as an underlying cause of depression in Thai women,2019,20,7,395-406,Rungreangkulkij Patriarchy cultural prejudices and spousal violence in the ancient city of Benin of southern Nigeria,2019,20,7,407-420,Osezua Using technologies to commemorate International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers in the North East of England,2019,20,4,52-68,Strohmayer Scripting resistance: rape and the avenging woman in Hindi cinema,2019,20,4,83-102,Karki Violence as a site of women's agency in war: the representation of female militants in Sri Lanka's post-war literature,2019,20,3,28-43,Meegaswatta The taboo of sex within gender based violence prevention: localising the gender and development paradigm in Cambodia,2019,20,3,74-87,Robertson Focus on domestic violence in Bangladesh: a study from criminological perspectives,2019,20,3,98-115,Rahman "Grey chicken": female students as exploitation victims in the commercial sex industry,2019,20,2,182-193,Suyanto Performance of controlling rape in India: efficiency estimate across states,2019,20,2,285-308,Maity The perfect misogynist storm and the electromagnetic shape of feminism: weathering Brazil's political crisis,2019,20,8,87-109,Snyder Violence against women and girls in Harare Zimbabwe,2019,20,9,83-93,Zengenene Trafficking of women and children in East Java Indonesia,2019,20,9,94-106,Sutinah Women's resilience in preserving family life following an earthquake in North Lombok Regency West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia,2019,20,9,107-120,Budirahayu Understanding the roles of women in Boko Haram's terrorism,2020,21,1,2-12,Ola Assessing the extent of domestic violence against Indian women after the implementation of the Domestic Violence Act of India 2005,2021,22,9,361-380,Singh Making change on gender-based violence: assessing shifting political opportunities in Canada political opportunities in Canada,2021,22,9,222-235,Boucher "We are Working for a Caste-free India": An Interview with M. M. Vinodini,2021,22,10,8-16,Zare On Being Biranganas: Passivity Agency and Wartime Rapes in Shaukat Osman's Nekre Aranya,2022,24,6,,Sen Mary Sidney's The Tragedy of Antony and Fadwa Tuqan's A Mountainous Journey: Language Gender Politics and the Emergence of Authorial Identities,2023,25,4,,Hamamra