Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Polytrauma in the elderly: a review,2016,1,5,146-151,Pohlemann Evaluating physical function and activity in the elderly patient using wearable motion sensors,2016,1,5,112-120,Grimm Articular impaction injuries in the lower limb,2017,2,5,250-260,Giannoudis A review of common motorcycle collision mechanisms of injury,2020,5,9,544-548,Wiznia Fractures of the femoral head: a narrative review,2021,6,11,1122-1131,Rollmann Severely injured patients: modern management strategies,2023,8,5,382-396,Giannoudis Return to driving post upper or lower extremity orthopaedic surgical procedures: a scoping review of current published literature,2023,8,12,936-947,Pandit Traumatic pelvic ring fracture during pregnancy: a systematic review,2024,9,7,700-711,Kasaeian