Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Change of muscle activity as well as kinematic and kinetic parameters during headers after core muscle fatigue,2017,5,1,e10,Becker Relationship between the pedaling biomechanics and strain of bicycle frame during submaximal tests,2015,3,2,87-102,Bertucci Can genetics predict sports injury? The association of the genes GDF5 AMPD1 COL5A1 and IGF2 on soccer player injury occurrence,2018,6,1,e6010021,McCabe Links between adolescent athletes' prosocial behavior and relationship with parents: a mixed methods study,2018,6,1,e6010004,Lisinskienė The influence of fatigued core muscles on head acceleration during headers in soccer,2018,6,2,e6020033,Becker Injuries in collegiate women's volleyball: a four-year retrospective analysis,2017,5,2,e5020026,Stone Prevalence of injuries during Brazilian jiu-jitsu training,2017,5,2,e5020039,McDonald Functional assessment and injury risk in a professional soccer team,2017,5,1,e5010009,González-Víllora Sport courage worry and fear in relation to success of alpine ski learning,2018,6,3,e6030096,Ruzic Sleep data physical performance and injuries in preparation for professional mixed martial arts,2018,7,1,e7010001,Antonio Inertial sensors for performance analysis in combat sports: a systematic review,2019,7,1,e7010028,Worsey Epidemiology of sports related concussion in Brazilian jiu-jitsu: a cross-sectional study,2019,7,2,e7020053,Risucci Young Pacific male rugby players' perceptions and experiences of mental wellbeing,2019,7,4,e7040083,Tiatia-Seath Daily heart rate variability before and after concussion in an American college football player,2019,7,5,e7050097,Wilkerson Differences between elite and semi-elite Australian football conceptualised through the lens of ecological dynamics,2019,7,7,e7070159,Woods Effects of protective American football headgear on peripheral vision reaction time and visual target detection in Division I NCAA football players,2019,7,9,e7090213,Moody What is injury in ice hockey: an integrative literature review on injury rates injury definition and athlete exposure in men's elite ice hockey,2019,7,11,e7110227,Dickey An evaluation of heart rate variability in female youth soccer players following soccer heading: a pilot study,2019,7,11,e7110229,Dickey A warning against the negligent use of cannabidiol in professional and amateur athletes,2019,7,12,e7120251,Lachenmeier Changes in duration and intensity of the world's top-level badminton matches: a consideration of the increased acute injuries among elite women's singles players,2020,8,2,e19,Atomi Injuries in novice participants during an eight-week start up crossfit program-a prospective cohort study,2020,8,2,e21,Ishøi Epidemiology of acute injuries in surfing: type location mechanism severity and incidence: a systematic review,2020,8,2,ePub,Climstein The athletics injury prevention programme can help to reduce the occurrence at short term of participation restriction injury complaints in athletics: a prospective cohort study,2020,8,6,e084,Steffen Isokinetic dynamometry as a tool to predict shoulder injury in an overhead athlete population: a systematic review,2020,8,9,e124,Climstein The relationships between internal and external load measures for Division I college football practice,2020,8,12,e165,Sobolewski Gaelic football match-play: performance attenuation and timeline of recovery,2020,8,12,e166,Kelly Epidemiology of injuries in Ultimate (frisbee): a systematic review,2020,8,12,e168,Lystad Genetic factors that could affect concussion risk in elite rugby,2021,9,2,e19,Kilduff Golf as a physical activity to potentially reduce the risk of falls in older adults with Parkinson's disease,2021,9,6,,Bliss Turbans vs. helmets: a systematic narrative review of the literature on head injuries and impact loci of cranial trauma in several recreational outdoor sports,2021,9,12,e172,Spennemann A narrative review for a machine learning application in sports: an example based on injury forecasting in soccer,2021,10,1,e5,Rossi Relationship between aggressiveness self-confidence and perceived coach support and head impact exposure in youth football,2022,10,8,e115,Stitzel The association between pre-season running loads and injury during the subsequent season in elite Gaelic football,2022,10,8,e117,McCann Characteristics of fitness-related injuries in the Netherlands: a descriptive epidemiological study,2022,10,12,e187,van Beijsterveldt Relationship of training factors and resilience with injuries in ski mountaineers,2022,10,12,e191,Castañeda-Babarro Balance and fall risk assessment in community-dwelling older adults after recovery from COVID-19: a cross-sectional study,2023,11,2,e28,El-Bagalaty Age and sex comparisons in pediatric track and field hurdle injuries seen in emergency departments of the US,2023,11,3,e65,Sugimoto Injury prevalence among young elite baseball players,2023,11,7,e134,Takemura Knowledge and self-assessment of dental injuries and oral health among Croatian professional water polo players: a cross-sectional study,2023,11,11,e223,Tadin Not all injuries are the same: different patterns in sports injuries and their psychosocial correlates,2023,11,12,e237,Wessa Psychometric characteristics of the Brazil Mood Scale among youth and elite athletes using two response time frames,2023,11,12,e244,Gabbett Jones fracture in the National Football League,2023,12,1,e7,Lau Indicators of fatigue during a soccer match simulation using GPS-derived workload values: which metrics are most useful?,2023,12,1,e9,Snyder Reflecting on advances in lower extremity biomechanics and injury prevention: insights from our special issue,2023,12,1,e13,Augustsson Analyzing injury patterns in climbing: a comprehensive study of risk factors,2024,12,2,e61,Kovářová The role of concussion history and biological sex on pupillary light reflex metrics in adolescent rugby players: a cross-sectional study,2024,12,2,e56,Bleakley Analysis of injuries in the Swiss U20 elite ice hockey season 2019/2020--a retrospective survey,2024,12,4,e88,Rogan Is it possible to improve motor competence through a structured balance bike program in preschool children aged 3 to 6 years?,2024,12,3,e83,Navarro-Patón Mental health in first- and second-division soccer players: a cross-sectional study,2024,12,4,e106,Haro Predictive validity of multifactorial injury risk models and associated clinical measures in the U.S. population,2024,12,5,,Stavitz Assessing brain processing deficits using neuropsychological and vision-specific tests for concussion,2024,12,5,,Soangra