Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Different forms of intimate partner violence: implications for forensic psychological assessment in the Spanish legal context,2016,26,1,2-12,Echeburúa Neurobiology of aggression and violence,2016,26,1,60-69,Ortega-Escobar Psychological assessment of the risk of violence: scope and limitations for its use in the forensic setting,2016,26,1,130-140,López-Ossorio Crime scene's violence in intimate partner homicides,2016,26,1,13-18,Company Characteristics of filicidal males of underage children: A systematic review,2023,33,1,41-48,Carrasco-Sánchez Psychosocial factors in prisoner suicide in European prisons: A systematic review and meta-Analysis,2023,33,1,101-114,Quevedo-Blasco Prevalence of Psychopathy Intimate Partner Homicide and Suicide Risk in Spain1,2023,33,1,83-89,López-Ossorio