Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The relationship between social maladjustment childhood abuse and suicidal behavior in college students,2016,16,3,235-248,Jeglic Relationships between early maladaptive schemas mindfulness self-compassion and psychological distress,2017,17,1,3-17,Thimm The hierarchical factor structure of the Spanish Version of Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale -21,2017,17,1,97-105,Ruiz Effectiveness of emotional intelligence therapy on suicide risk among adolescents in residential care,2020,20,1,61-74,Palma Overgeneral memory retrieval and ineffective problem-solving in depressed patients with suicidal ideation: Implications for therapy,2011,11,3,413-423,Rahimi Effective psychological therapies for the treatment of borderline personality disorder,2012,12,1,97-114,Yust Psychological Variables Associated with Suicidal Ideation in Students,2014,14,2,277-290,Teruel Psychological Markers of Suicides in Military Service During Wartime: A Contemporary Example,2021,21,1,47-57,Prykhodko Typology Of Personal Characteristics Of Cadets Who Use Psychoactive Substances,2021,21,3,347-361,Prykhodko