Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Talking to your car can drive you to distraction,2016,1,1,16,Strayer Looming sounds are perceived as faster than receding sounds,2016,1,1,e15,Neuhoff Visual search behaviors of association football referees during assessment of foul play situations,2016,1,1,e12,Williams Men's perceptions of women's sexual interest: effects of environmental context sexual attitudes and women's characteristics,2016,1,1,e8,Viken A different kind of weapon focus: simulated training with ballistic weapons reduces change blindness,2017,2,1,e3,Pratt I want to media multitask and I want to do it now: individual differences in media multitasking predict delay of gratification and system-1 thinking,2017,2,1,e8,Schutten Individual differences predict low prevalence visual search performance,2017,2,1,e5,Becker Supporting dynamic change detection: using the right tool for the task,2016,1,1,e32,Tremblay "Special needs" is an ineffective euphemism,2016,1,1,e29,Gernsbacher The perceptual processing of fused multi-spectral imagery,2016,1,1,e31,Houpt Multiple event monitoring,2016,1,1,e21,Wolfe Understanding visual attention in childhood: insights from a new visual foraging task,2016,1,1,e18,Gestsdottir Relative judgment theory and the mediation of facial recognition: implications for theories of eyewitness identification,2016,1,1,e11,Gronlund Through the Google Glass: the impact of heads-up displays on visual attention,2016,1,1,e13,Neider Inattentional blindness for a gun during a simulated police vehicle stop,2017,2,1,e37,Simons In the lab and in the wild: how distraction and mind wandering affect attention and memory,2018,3,1,42,Smilek How does navigation system behavior influence human behavior?,2019,4,1,e5,Richter The hazards of perception: evaluating a change blindness demonstration within a real-world driver education course,2019,4,1,e15,Watson Effects of roadside memorials on drivers' risk perception and eye movements,2019,4,1,e32,Beanland When it all falls down: the relationship between intuitive physics and spatial cognition,2020,5,1,e24,Fischer Reliance on emotion promotes belief in fake news,2020,5,1,e47,Rand Wielding a gun increases judgments of others as holding guns: a randomized controlled trial,2020,5,1,e58,Witt The relationship between political affiliation and beliefs about sources of "fake news",2021,6,1,e6,Michael Updating our understanding of situation awareness in relation to remote operators of autonomous vehicles,2021,6,1,e9,Helman Self-explaining roads: what does visual cognition tell us about designing safer roads?,2021,6,1,e15,Theeuwes The illusion of absence: how a common feature of magic shows can explain a class of road accidents,2021,6,1,22,Høye Infodemic: the effect of death-related thoughts on news-sharing,2021,6,1,39,Lim Anger race and the neurocognition of threat: attention inhibition and error processing during a weapon identification task,2021,6,1,e74,Rivera-Rodriguez Effects of temporal and spatiotemporal cues on detection of dynamic road hazards,2021,6,1,e80,Rosenholtz Systemic racism: individuals and interactions institutions and society,2021,6,1,e82,Banaji Speed versus accuracy instructions in the response time concealed information test,2022,7,1,e3,Ansorge "He was the one with the gun!" Associative memory for white and black faces seen with weapons,2022,7,1,e8,Naveh-Benjamin Target-rate effect in continuous visual search,2022,7,1,e36,Chan Change blindness in simulated driving in individuals with homonymous visual field loss,2022,7,1,e44,Xu Warning signals only support the first action in a sequence,2023,8,1,e29,Poth How do drivers mitigate the effects of naturalistic visual complexity? On attentional strategies and their implications under a change blindness protocol,2023,8,1,e54,Levin The invisible 800-pound gorilla: expertise can increase inattentional blindness,2023,8,1,e33,Tangen Investigating the influence of visuospatial stimuli on driver's speed perception: a laboratory study,2023,8,1,e59,Koch Driver behavior while using Level 2 vehicle automation: a hybrid naturalistic study,2023,8,1,e71,Strayer Crisis-related stimuli do not increase the emotional attentional blink in a general university student population,2024,9,1,e3,Santacroce Highly dangerous road hazards are not immune from the low prevalence effect,2024,9,1,e6,Wolfe How is GPS used? Understanding navigation system use and its relation to spatial ability,2024,9,1,e16,Hegarty On investigating drivers' attention allocation during partially-automated driving,2024,9,1,e21,Mulatti Seeing the truck but missing the cyclist: effects of blur on duration thresholds for road hazard detection,2024,9,1,e32,Wolfe