Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Negotiating and justifying social services' support for female victims of domestic violence,2017,7,1,18-29,Ekström Stalked lives: Finnish women's emotional experiences of post-separation stalking,2017,7,1,6-17,Nikupeteri Assessing violence in the family - social work courts and discourses,2017,7,1,30-41,Hiitola Children's voices in research with children exposed to intimate partner violence: a critical review,2017,7,1,42-53,Åkerlund The significance of position for Swedish social workers' understanding of young men's victimization of violence,2017,7,1,54-66,Kullberg Child protection investigations of child custody cases in Norway: caseworkers' obstacles and coping strategies,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sudland Policing time - creating labour: the temporal control of the unemployed,2021,11,2,117-128,Mulinari Policed empowerment at the intersection of child welfare and migration control,2021,11,2,129-141,Holmlund Frail paths home: former long-term homeless women and men narrate their experiences and meanings of home,2021,11,1,63-76,Nousiainen Professionalised hybrid and layperson models in Nordic child protection - actors in decision-making in out of home placements,2020,10,3,204-218,Forkby 'The needs of the child have been met': preliminary assessments regarding domestic violence in Swedish Child Protections Services,2020,10,2,100-113,Münger Moral stances and moral language in reports investigating child protection in Finland,2020,10,2,114-126,Poikolainen "You lose control": the experience of intimate partner violence and the consequences from the perspective of perpetrators and victims in a small Nordic country Iceland,2020,10,2,127-143,Freysteinsdóttir Two sides of the coin - domestic violence survivors' expectations of financial support and social workers' expectations of survivors within the social assistance system,2020,10,2,144-157,Ulmestig Handling fear among staff: violence and emotion in secure units for adolescents,2020,10,2,158-172,Andersson 'The stranger inside': suicide-related grief and 'othering' among teenage daughters following the loss of a father to suicide,2013,3,2,185-193,Silvén Hagström